Most people would lap up any extra breaks in the working day which their boss chucks their way. But what about if your employer was packing you off for half an hour for the purpose of self-pleasure?
This is just part and parcel of another day at the office for those who work at Erika Lust Films, as each person gets 30 minutes to masturbate each day.
The gaffer, Erika Lust, made self-gratification during shifts a 'permanent policy' at her firm in May 2022 after her trial run of the unusual scheme was so successful.
The businesswoman, from Stockholm, Sweden, employs 40 plus staff members at her company, which provides content for 'indie adult cinema'.

Erika explained that she introduced the wacky rule after noticing that her team - and herself - were 'struggling' with the usual stresses of life along with the added anxieties of Covid.
"Years of pandemic life had started to take their toll on us," she explained in a blog post. "We were less focused, more agitated and overall more anxious."
So, she needed to come up with a solution which bring a much-needed boost to her workers who were stuck in a bit of a rut.
According to Erika, there is 'nothing more harmful to a successful work environment than stress', so she had to think fast. And when Masturbation Month rolled around in 2021, she had her eureka moment - which has now been implemented on a permanent basis.
Erika, who dubs herself the 'queen of ethical porn', said: "I decided to dedicate Masturbation Month to my team by giving them an extra 30-minutes off every day to use for their self-pleasure routine.

"I set up a private room in the office which we call 'the masturbation station' to provide them with a safe, comfortable space for their masturbation break."
Erika's employees even have their pick of a range of sex toys to help them on their way.
She reckons that allowing her workers to have a mid-shift w**k makes everyone 'happier, more relaxed and more focused', as well as boosting her employees creativity and drive.
"But masturbation break wasn’t only about trying to help my employees feel better in these trying times," Erika went on. "I also wanted to do something to normalise masturbation on a broader scale.
"Sexual wellbeing is deeply intertwined with your overall mental health and physical health and should be treated with the same respect and resources."
Erika said a host of other companies around the world had 'followed in her footsteps', just as she had hoped.
It's now been four years since the masturbation breaks were introduced at Erika Lust Films, and in 2024, she opened up about what it is really like to work for her.
While giving a tour of her firm's HQ in Barcelona, the 48-year-old producer showed how her office is brimming with vulva-inspired decorations and even boasts an 'erotic chapel'.
When the topic of her workers w**k breaks came up, Erika excitedly rubbed her hands together and chuckled, confirming: "They get masturbation breaks."
"Incase you need one, you're always invited to do it," she told The News Movement, before revealing that those employed by Erika Lust Films live by a re-worked proverb. "We always laugh at, 'An apple a day keeps the doctor away...as an orgasm a day..."
I'm sure you can work out the rest - and no, we don't know whether Erika is hiring, before you ask.
Topics: Adult Industry, Jobs, Mental Health, Health, Sex and Relationships, Weird