The resident of a Staffordshire home was left spooked after a Ring doorbell seemed to show a 'ghost' floating past.
It's a bold statement to make, and if it's true, it's a win for the supernatural lovers, as the mum claimed that she saw the figure 'disappear' after she returned from a walk last week.
On 4 February, Jackie Batt, 55, got back from a walk and was told by her neighbour Kerry-Anne Docherty, 46, that she may want to watch a video that she sent over.
The creepy Ring doorbell footage showed Batt walking past Docherty's home, but also revealed a 'tall' woman in what looked like 1940s clothes walking the other way.
Following this weird occurrence, she vanished into thin air, though when Docherty suggested that this may be a glitch, Batt said that she only walked past a man.

In fact, Batt theorised that the figure in the peculiar footage was the ghost of 'a miner's wife'.
Docherty posted the video on Facebook, shot around 7am, with users split on it being a glitch or an actual spirit.
Batt explained that they live in the same cul-de-sac, and she was simply on a walk before getting a message from her neighbour.
"She then sent me her Ring doorbell footage and I said 'wow'. You see me walk past and then I can only assume it's a lady dressed in 40s clothing but I didn't see anyone. I would have remembered seeing her," the Brit claimed.
"The building where we live was built in the 1940s for the miners at the time. I can only assume it is a miner's wife."
Calling the video 'amazing', the 55-year-old said that she was a believer in the supernatural, and insisted that she 'honestly didn't see anyone walking down the street'.
Claiming that others online agreed, she explained: "Some have said it could have been a glitch or a shadow from me but I'm quite short and she's really tall.
"She looks like she disappeared into thin air. She looked like she had a long coat on with a hat and little wedged shoes and it was a strange one."

Docherty usually checks the footage captured by her Ring doorbell as there was a robbery nearby, and she generally likes to see what goes on in the street.
However, unlike Batt, she is sceptical of the paranormal, though struggles to find an explanation for last week's footage.
Speaking more about what people said about the video on social media, she said people called it a 'spirit', even adding: "At one point when she's walking past another neighbour's house you can see the gate through her.
"She looks like she dissolves into thin air at the end too."
In the post on Facebook, Docherty shared the video, explaining that her neighbour didn't see the woman walking past before dissolving, saying: "I'm not a paranormal believer (basically because I've never really witnessed anything) but I am now kind of sceptical.
"If anyone can shed any light [on this] I would be truly grateful."

One user suggested that it could be 'a spirit', 'another dimension', or even 'a sentient being'. Far-fetched ideas at best.
A couple of other agreed on the figure wearing 40s clothing too, adding to the theory.
However, one sceptic wrote: "It's most likely a signal dropout," while another echoed: "Looks like a camera glitch as the person in white appeared past the point where the other started disappearing."