People often end up with a hoard of family heirlooms over the years, but sometimes, it might have been better not to have burdened future generations with the object - especially if it's as creepy as this one.
Sean Robinson ended up in possession of a petrifying painting more than 20 years ago after his beloved grandmother passed away, but it isn't any ordinary artwork.
In fact, he reckons that the picture known as 'The Anguished Man' is 'one of the most haunted paintings in the world' - and he claims to have proof of it, too.
The bloke, from Cumbria, explained that he believes that the ominous picture has some kind of paranormal power, as it's the only possible explanation for all the strange goings on in his house since he hung it up.
It had been kept hidden away by his grandmother while she was alive as she 'didn't like' to look at it due to it's unnerving nature - and after taking one look at it, you can understand why.

In a series of YouTube videos, Sean has shared the details of all the weird occurrences which have taken place in his home since he inherited The Anguished Man - as well as diving into its horrifying origin story.
According to him, the painting was produced by an unknown artist, however, his grandmother claimed to know all about how the mystery man created it.
Sean explained in one of his clips: "The story my grandmother always told me about the painting was that the artist painted it using his own blood.
"My grandma always told me the painting was evil - and after living with it myself, I understood how right she was."
He said that his relative informed him the artist had supposedly mixed their blood with the oil to create the chilling painting, before later taking his own life after its completion.
During an appearance on the show Ghosts of Britain, Sean explained how he ended up with it in his possession.

"Just before she [his grandma] died, she passed it to me. 2009 was when it came out of the cellar, because when I got it, no one else in the family liked it except me."
He's aware skeptics may think that his grandmother simply wanted to scare and tease him, however, he wholeheartedly believes what she told him about The Anguished Man was the truth.
Sean continued: "I believe the story my grandmother told. I also believe it gives off negative energy, definitely.
"I am a believer now, there is definitely something wrong with that painting. The fact that he used his own blood...
"It might be that it was some sort of ritual, I believe it may be a self-portrait."
Since moving The Anguished Man into his own abode, Sean claims to have experienced a lot of paranormal activity.
Footage shared on his YouTube channel shows how a door suddenly slammed shut without human intervention, which was the first red flag for Sean that 'something was wrong'.

"I have witnessed a lot," he said. "Noises are the first thing. At first, we didn’t relate them to the painting, but it became obvious they only started when we brought the painting in the house.
"I used to wake up in the middle of the night and see a figure at the end of my bed. I used to have dreams about the painting. I had a vivid one when I was being lifted off the bed."
As well as alleging to have seen the 'figure of a man' - just like his grandma used to claim she did - Sean says he had heard crying, moaning noises and was once even suddenly surrounded by thick smoke while the temperature plummeted.
Sean said: "There was no denying it, it was there, and then it just vanished. Most of the activity seems to happen between 3am and 4am."
Right during the witching hour. Can there be any more creepy coincidences?
The dad then made the decision to follow his grandmother's lead and locked The Anguished Man painting away, in the hopes that it would put a stop to all the unexplained happenings in his home.