A Japanese man who has spent a whopping £12,480 to become a dog says that people are 'misinformed' about what he actually wants.
While many think he is just barking mad, the man who goes by the name of Toco when he is in the suit is not actually wanting the dog life after all.
He first hit headlines last year, after clips of his incredibly life-like dog suit were shared online.
Since then, he’s kept people up to date with his experiences as Toco via his YouTube channel ‘I want to be an animal’.
Recently, Toco bought himself his own dog crate to sleep in and shared what it was like to go on a walk wearing his leash.
But despite seemingly wanting the dog life, Toco has opened up in a recent interview about how people have been 'misinformed' when it comes to his intentions.
Speaking to the New York Post, Toco said: "My desire to be an animal is like a desire to transform…a desire to be something that I am not."
Toco went on to reveal he wears the dog costume around once a week, saying he mostly does this at home.
The new viral star said he 'did not expect such a big response' surrounding his costume.

And while he may be dressed in a dog costume at times in his home, his family have yet to put him in the dog house despite his rather unique hobby.
"The family was surprised, but received it favourably," he continued.
"I am very happy that they accepted it."
When asked by the New York Post how much he makes from his YouTube channel that recently passed 50,000 subscribers, Toco refused to comment.
However, his rise to fame was certainly an expensive one, as the custom-made costume set him back over £12,000.
Taco has also received his fair share of critics in recent weeks and months, though that won't be putting him off his hobby.
"I love animals and enjoy play-acting like a collie," he added.
"This is my hobby, so I will carry on. It makes me happy and other people happy, too."

It comes after Toco divided much of the internet after terrifying real dogs in the street with his lifelike costume.
In the video, titled 'Dogs and people's reactions to seeing a realistic dog costume', Toco takes a stroll in a park where humans marvel at his incredible costume and seem to be impressed by the fact he can do tricks.
However, the four-legged park users seem less thrilled to meet Toco - one dog can be seen taking an interest in him, before running away and pulling at his leash, while a women watching on notes: “He’s scared. He’s scared.”
Topics: Dogs, Weird, World News, YouTube, Viral