There are many things in the world that have fascinated us.
Whether that be Bigfoot or UFO sightings, there are lot of unexplained phenomena that boggle the mind.
Well, move over Loch Ness Monster because there's a new creature in town.
Admittedly, this creature may be a few hundred miles south of Scotland.
A Reddit user snapped a picture of what appeared to be a reptilian creature peeking out of the River Thames.

As is the way with Reddit, the picture led to a lot of speculation from other users.
And they were as varied as they were crazy.
One person wrote: "It's the famous Thames Anaconda!"
"The Loch Thames monster is definitely a poo," another user commented.
Which is scarier to find floating in your water?
You decide.
One person even got a political dig in, writing: "Lets the Royals swim where they want. It's their Thames too you know."
The Loch Thames Monster seemed to be the general consensus among the more imaginative Reddit users.
Other suggestions included Boris Johnson's soul, a catfish and a Teenage Mutant Ninja 'Turdle'.
There were also suggestions that the Reddit user had spotted Godzilla wading through the London river.

Not that the Japanese monster is often seen anywhere but Japan, mind.
Given that an enormous snake skin was found in the Thames last year, I probably shouldn't be so quick to laugh off suggestions that a reptilian is dwelling beneath the water.
Jason Sandy was mudlarking, which is the act of searching in river mud for valuable items, when he came across the five-foot skin on the north side of the thames close to Hammersmith Bridge.
The scaly skin is believed to belong to a boa constrictor, which could have been abandoned or even escaped from its owner.
But regardless, many Reddit users came forth and produced a theory that is likely the most rational explanation for what was lurking in the Thames.
A bottle cap on a rock.
Some litter bug tossed a cap from their drink over the wall and now it's gone viral, with people suggesting it's a monster or a giant poo.
What a country.