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Man bans girlfriend from farting in the house because he thinks it’s unladylike

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Man bans girlfriend from farting in the house because he thinks it’s unladylike

Man bans girlfriend from farting in the house because he thinks it’s unladylike

A man has banned his partner from farting in the house because he thinks it is ‘unladylike’.

Ah, women, we can finally vote, pay taxes, and purchase properties; but my god, some men can't deal when you let out a little backdoor breeze.

Talk about double standards, much?

One woman posted in the popular Reddit forum ‘Am I The A**hole’ to reveal that a huge argument arose with her boyfriend after she let one rip in the kitchen.

Jajah-sireenut/Getty Images

"We just got in a big argument about it tonight because I farted in the kitchen on accident," the 24-year-old said.

"I am extremely fed up with him treating me like what I'm doing is unnatural and always telling me I need to be more like a lady."

My god, is this the 1800s? Are we still churning our own butter?

"I tend to fart a few times a night, and he gets super grumpy, accusing me of doing it on purpose (I'm not). I feel like I should be able to fart in my own home without judgement,” the woman continued.

Eleganza/Getty Images

"I told him I was sick and tired of his attitude and acting like I'm some sort of freak for doing something that everyone does."

She then asked fellow Reddit users: "Am I crazy for thinking farting is normal? AITA?"

However, many chimed in, slamming the woman’s partner.

One user wrote: "NAT (Not The A**hole) - Ladies fart. Everyone farts. Not feeling comfortable enough to fart in your own home because this dude has some archaic belief that it's not ladylike seems miserable."

Another agreed: "NTA, does he think women poop glitter? He sounds very dumb and also ridiculous. Make your point by freaking out every time he farts/sneezes/burps so he sees how absurd he's being."

However, one defended the woman's boyfriend, writing: "I need to know how bad hers are because I might agree with her SO. My husband is always doing it and his are foul. They smell like rotten eggs and linger for HOURS."

They added: "I get mad at him for doing it outside of the bathroom because it's quite hard to enjoy food when you're stifled by the smell of rotten eggs."

I would definitely opt for immersion therapy and locking this guy into a room while cutting a few air biscuits.

Featured Image Credit: Peter Dazeley/Getty Images. Witthaya Prasongsin/Getty Images

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