Okie dokie Bigfoot doubters, you can deny all of the grainy, unclear footage you like but you can't deny someone who said he spoke to the creature itself.
Even the supposed 'best footage ever recorded' of Bigfoot is still a pretty damn tenuous link to the legendary creature, but most of the time it's all we've got.
Every now and then people spot what could be the big guy himself, but then the magnificent mystery is burst like the most fragile of bubbles when someone points out that's definitely not him.
Bigfoot's not just an American phenomenon either, as there have been sightings of him and his ilk over here in the UK as well.
Perhaps he'd come for a chat with the Loch Ness Monster.
Anyhow, this time there's a man who says he not only saw Bigfoot but also spoke to him - but their conversation was a rather grim one.

According to KHMO Radio, a man from Missouri called into his local radio station and recounted an encounter he had with Bigfoot right outside his home.
It would have been nice if the guy had taken some sort of video for more definitive proof, but the following conversation already scared him plenty enough.
He said: "I said ‘we don’t have to be scared of each other’ and that we could live in peace.
"I told him I didn’t want to hurt him and I didn’t want him to hurt me.
"He hit me with the infrasound and it hit me hard... it made me physically shudder... and I don't know if there's a telepathic component to it or not... but what I felt is you could feel it go through your body... you didn't hear nothing... but it was like anger, fear, hatred and doom all rolled into one directly at you."

There you go gang, irrefutable proof that Bigfoot not only exists, but that he also doesn't speak English.
This must surely be an authentic Bigfoot encounter because, of course, as far as we know he's never been through the education system and thus would have struggled to pick up our language.
Also, this new development reveals that Bigfoot is possibly telepathic and can evoke a powerful sense of dread within the people he communicates with.
Perhaps that's the reason why Bigfoot is such a recluse, he knows the feelings he stirs within human hearts and wishes to spare us the melancholy.
Thanks Bigfoot!