Imagine sailing the seas, thinking you and your crew are alone the waves to suddenly stumble upon a ‘ghost ship’. And then as you get closer, you realise there’s no one on there.
Sounds like a set-up for a horror film, right? Except this is what happened to a pair of sailors from the Ocean Research Project whilst exploring in the Atlantic Ocean.
The crew made the discovery near the Bermuda Triangle in 2013.
Realising the ship's sail wasn't up and the motor wasn't running, the researchers became worried as 'there was no sign of anyone'.
Thinking that someone on the vessel might be hurt and needing medical attention, the pair of yachties clambered aboard to take a look around.
Team member Matt Rutherford decided to film as he explored the seemingly discarded boat, confirming: "This is one awfully abandoned sailboat. Wolfhound from the Irish Yacht Club.
"I have no idea what's inside, I'm going to go and search around and I hope I don't find any dead bodies or anything crazy like that."
Matt admitted he was afraid to open any doors or cabinets in fear of what he might find.
After scouring the boat from top to bottom he said, relieved: "No dead bodies, thank God.
"This is absolutely crazy by the way. 800 miles from Bermuda, 1,500 miles from the US, standing on a very nice Swan 48, in the middle of the ocean."
Matt managed to get in touch with the boat's owner, who offered him a cash reward if he could tow it back to Bermuda.
The pair of sailors hauled the abandoned boat about 50 miles by the second day.
"It's kinda funny, 48ft boat with a 42ft boat. We're doing our best trying to get her to Bermuda," said Matt.
Following a long 47 days out at sea, their boat began to run low on fuel so they flagged a passing freight ship and convinced them to offload some gas their way.
Unfortunately, the abandoned Wolfhound vessel had to be cut from the tow line after getting wrapped around the rudder, posing a dangerous risk of breaking off.
Since sharing the video, online sleuths have come to the conclusion that the vessel belonged to Alan McGettigan, a skipper from the Royal Irish Yacht Club who was travelling along with crewmates Declan Hayes, Morgan Crowe and Tom Mulligan who had to be rescued by a Greek cargo ship just 64 miles north of Bermuda.
The Wolfhound had suffered some damage caused by 20ft waves and 50-knot winds. Alan and his crew had set off an emergency beacon and abandoned the Wolfhound at sea during the rescue, where it was found by Matt and his team just nine weeks later.
Topics: Weird