Those who have had near-death experiences often recount events that they just simply can't explain.
Some talk about being drawn to a bright light, hearing voices or even feeling their spirits leave their bodies - but this woman believes she swapped souls in an alien after dancing with death as a child.
Kelly Tyler, 42, stunned Brits who were enjoying their brunch while watching This Morning earlier today (17 June) after appearing on the ITV show to talk about what being a 'starseed' is like.
As you can gather, it's quite the oddity to be discussing before it's even dinnertime.
The business consultant, from Surbiton, London, sat down with hosts Ben Shephard and Cat Deeley to open up about how her brush with death as an eight-year-old girl changed the trajectory of her life forever. Take a look at this:
She explained that she was a 'very sensitive' and 'ill' child who was something of an introvert, except from when she would interact with her pal 'Tom' - who nobody else could see.
Kelly said: "Tom was somebody who was here before, and he's passed over now. He looked like a real person - I would feel like I could touch him and he just felt really normal to me.
"I developed a relationship, or had contact with this being, from the age of seven.
"At the bottom of my garden, he appeared as a light then he started to show himself more. We just used to have this really comforting, telepathic relationship. I used to write about it and give the stories to my parents.
"My parents thought, What an active imagination this child has got, it's great for creative writing."
Little did they know, they'd have a field day with her so-called imagination within the following year.
Kelly explained that she became extremely ill at the age of eight after contracting whooping cough, which is a bacterial infection of the lungs and breathing tubes that is highly contagious.

"I got really, really ill. I lost all my weight," she recalled. "The doctors said, 'She is not going to make it'. And at that time, myself and this being exchanged souls. This is what's called a walk-in.
"[A walk-in] is not a possession or someone taking over, it's a mutual agreement. We decided to exchange souls. So that's what happened, so now I am a starseed. But I wasn't born one, like typically most people are."
Starseeds are supposedly beings that have lived previous lifetimes on Earth as well as in other parts of the universe, who are said to have special abilities and wisdom which remain dormant until it's needed, according to Moon Omens.
Kelly explained she prefers to use this term instead of 'alien', because there are 'too many stigmas attached to the word'.
She continued: "There is a fear against aliens, and typically, starseeds are here to help humanity. When we reincarnate as humans, we are here to remember what it is like to be human, connect to their natural senses rather than distract.
"Our role is not to make you look outside of humanity, it's to help you connect back to who you really were, with nature, with animals and with ourselves. Most starseeds incarnate at birth, so their soul is born as a starseed."
When pressed about where her soul has gone now, the Brit claimed that it is now on Arcturus - which is the fourth brightest star in the night sky and the brightest star in the northern constellation.

Kelly claims that she found this information out by 'astral travelling', which is a term that describes an out-of-body experience which occurs when you’re in a deep meditative state.
Since the alleged soul swap, the business consultant says she doesn't have 'an emotional connection' to her childhood or any 'emotional memory of being pre-eight-years-old'.
Medics said it was 'a miracle' that she went on to make a recovery - but she reckons it was all down to her other worldly pal, who completely changed her personality.
Discussing the aftermath, Kelly recalled: "I went back to school, I had to catch up because I was out for about six months but I lost my allergies, didn't have kidney failure, and also my intellect changed.
"I wouldn't say that my parents would say I was stupid, but I went from being not that clever to being able to do stuff. I passed an entrance exam for private school they thought I had no chance of getting in.
"My social skills improved, I became less shy and introverted, significant changes happened and no one could figure out why."
Sounds like becoming a starseed really panned out for her quite well, eh?
Topics: Aliens, Health, UK News, This Morning, Weird