When you're puffing away on your vape have you ever wondered how they made sure that thing was ready to ship out?
Basically anywhere in the world where something gets made there's going to be a quality control step to make sure they're not sending out a load of defective crap.
It's pretty much always worth the time to check if something works before shipping it out, and if you do send out subpar things it mostly costs you time, money and reputation.

As for what this has got to do with vaping, how do you imagine they do quality control on that little tube of addictive liquid?
According to a video which went inside a factory in China that makes disposable vapes you might be left wishing you didn't know.
YouTuber Machina visited a factory in Shenzhen, China, to see how they made all of those vapes which line the shelves and are made to be huffed and puffed on before being thrown away.

After going through how they made the vapes it was time for a visit to the quality control team, and what the YouTube video showed was people puffing away on each individual vape once before sending it out.
One man the YouTuber spoke to said that in a normal day he'd test between 7,000 and 8,000 vapes a day, but when things got really busy that'd rise to about 10,000.
Imagine that being your job? You sit at a desk and take an individual drag on thousands of vapes a day before they're sent off and sold.
Plenty of viewers were astonished that they could have been vaping a device that had already known the mouth of another, while others couldn't believe that the guy with the job to vape all day also said he vaped during his free time.
One commenter said they 'actually feel sorry for that kid testing all the vapes', pointing out that while vaping is healthier than smoking it's still harmful to you.
Thousands of puffs on thousands of vapes every day all adds up to a lot of health hazards.
Some people who've vaped to excess have ended up being hospitalised and severely unwell, and medical experts are keen to stress that vaping is definitely not healthy.
Giving up on vaping can help you in both body and mind, and someone taking thousands of puffs on vapes a day is likely to feel the impact of it eventually.