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Everything that happens to someone who gets put in the ‘most painful torture device’ ever

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Everything that happens to someone who gets put in the ‘most painful torture device’ ever

You most certainly wouldn't want to be inside

If you somehow managed to find yourself imprisoned within the Brazen Bull, one of the worst torture devices in history, you'd be having a very bad time.

In case you don't know the history, the Brazen Bull was created by ancient Greek inventor Perilaus of Athens in the 6th Century BCE, who decided that a tyrant named Phalaris would absolutely love this thing.

The idea behind the Brazen Bull was that you shoved someone inside and lit a fire under them, cooking them alive while their screams were turned into noises by a series of pipes in the bronze sculpture's mouth.

Given his reputation as a tyrant who ate babies, you can only imagine how much Phalaris loved the Brazen Bull, and he decided that the first person to go inside should be the man who made it.

The tyrant told Perilaus to get inside and demonstrate how the mouth pipes worked, only to lock him in and light a fire under the bull.

An artist's depiction of Perilaus getting shoved inside his own invention, he didn't die in there but it would have been agony. (Wikimedia Commons)
An artist's depiction of Perilaus getting shoved inside his own invention, he didn't die in there but it would have been agony. (Wikimedia Commons)

Fortunately for Perilaus, he was taken out of his own invention before he died in there.

Unfortunately for Perilaus, he was then taken to the top of a hill and thrown off to his death, so it's safe to say he really didn't have a good day there.

Phalaris was a massive fan of his new toy right up until he was overthrown in 554 BC and it was decided that it was his turn to have a go in the Brazen Bull.

As for what that would do to you, experts say the first thing which would happen is that you'd panic like hell at being locked inside a giant bronze bull sculpture with a fire lit underneath you.

That's pretty understandable all things considered, and next your screams of panic would be turned into bull noises by the pipes in the sculptures mouth, presumably for the amusement of people like Phalaris.

Man goes in, screams come out. Within 10 minutes of this you'd be burned, cooked and dead. (Discovery)
Man goes in, screams come out. Within 10 minutes of this you'd be burned, cooked and dead. (Discovery)

Unless of course you were Phalaris himself, at which point you might like to reflect on the poetic justice of killing people inside this horrible thing only to end up there yourself.

Since you'd be trapped in a prison of heated metal it'd be excruciatingly painful, and you'd suffer horrible burns all over your body as there'd be no escape from it.

While the outside of your skin would become horribly burned, on the inside your body would start to be cooked by the heat.

You'd suffer from heat exhaustion, which would then render you unconscious, and after about 10 minutes you would be very, very dead.

We told you this was one of the most horrific things ever invented, this wasn't going to end very nicely now was it?

Featured Image Credit: Midjourney/Discovery

Topics: Weird, History