Ever wondered what would happen to Earth if all the people on it were to suddenly disappear? No? Me either. But I bet you’re thinking about it now, aren't you?
And if the thought has piqued your interest, then you’ll be happy to know that someone has created a video, with a bit of a timeline about how things will play out.
YouTube channel Aperture, shared the cheerily titled: Here's what would happen if ALL humans completely disappeared, complete with somewhat grim images showing the world in all its human-free glory.
Firstly, the roads would be filled with crashed out, burning cars, due to the fact that vehicles without drivers aren’t capable of safely stopping.
As the day goes on, the world’s fossil fuel power plants would begin to shut down, as they no longer have humans onsite refuelling them with coal or oil. This would lead to electric blackouts sweeping across the globe, before eventually, the whole planet was in darkness.
With no humans around, the animal kingdom would start to spread out, with all manner of small mammals heading into our abandoned homes; while things may be less fun for our domesticated four-legged friends who are likely used to having their food neatly placed into their bowls by humans several times a day.

Meanwhile, the power outage would mean the electrical fences at zoos would be inactive, meaning animals that really have no place in our towns and cities are now free to roam.
By around day 10, or so the video claims, the world’s 440 nuclear power plants would begin an almost simultaneous set of explosions - leading to the world’s worst nuclear disaster in history. Radioactive smoke would kill plants, animals and just about anything else it came into contact.
For the trees and flora not wiped out by the nuclear explosions, wildfires would have spent the first human-free year tearing through unhindered.

Forest fire would destroy coastal cities such as Los Angeles a decade after humans disappeared, while cities such as London and Amsterdam would be flooded, according to Aperture.
Three decades after humans upped and left Earth without a trace, satellites would come crashing back down to the planet with their batteries completely drained.
As more time passed, man-made structures such as the Eiffel Tower, Statue of Liberty, bridges and skyscrapers would fall - making the whole planet look very much like the final scene in a dystopian movie.
Still, at least if this ever does happen you won’t be around to see it - so that’s something, eh?
Topics: Weird, World News