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Bum doctor warns 'don't wipe' as he reveals way you should actually use the loo

Bum doctor warns 'don't wipe' as he reveals way you should actually use the loo

Turns out we haven't been doing it right at all, it's a real bummer

Forget wiping up or down after finishing your business, it turns out that we've all been using the wrong technique to clean ourselves up.

A bum doctor, yes they exist, has revealed vital information about your post-poop routine that has left Brits shocked at the truth.

He has even dropped a scathing truth on the amount of time you should spend on the throne, and it might change people's number two habits.

Dr Evan Goldstein is the man behind all of these weird revelations and he seeks to change the poop game for good.

We may have been wiping our whole life, but it may not be the way going forward. (Getty Stock Photo)
We may have been wiping our whole life, but it may not be the way going forward. (Getty Stock Photo)

The expert has suggested that we do a number of things differently that could stop a number of health problems and potential injuries later down the line.

You may not have given it a second thought, but it is Dr Goldstein's literal job, so it may be worth giving him a minute to explain himself and his poo habit suggestions.

Apparently, the next time you have a seat on the bog, the first thing you should keep in mind is not to spend too much time reading or scrolling on your phone.

It should only take a minute to do your business according to the expert, as he says that 'it’s not good for you to spend so much time on the toilet'.

But here's the real kicker, as Dr Goldstein has revealed that we may all be causing harm by wiping after our poops, with the ideal method being a 'post-poop shower'.

He tells the Daily Star: “You should use a bidet or take a post-poop shower, as it introduces far less friction.

“If you must use paper, buy the cushiest ply you can afford and pat, don’t wipe.”

Much like treating a stain on your t-shirt, then - except the stain is poo.

You should minimise or eliminate your use of loo roll, according to Dr Goldstein. (Getty Stock Photo)
You should minimise or eliminate your use of loo roll, according to Dr Goldstein. (Getty Stock Photo)

He also revealed that there is no healthy amount of time that someone should poo in a day, instead revealing that each time you go, you shouldn't force it.

“Every time you put pressure on that area, you risk injury,” he said.

A fairly easy one to follow, though he has also advised that people shouldn't over-wipe, and that the overuse of wet wipes can cause irritations in that general area in the long-term.

Might be worth remembering a thing or two for the next time you sit down for your next throne session.

Featured Image Credit: Getty Stock Photos

Topics: Health, Lifestyle, Science, Weird