Having your own car is a little bit like having your own little space.
You can hop inside and escape everyone else, literally. Blast whatever music you like, actually laugh out loud at whatever dumbo is being interviewed on a podcast and leave as many water bottles lying around as you like.
But that sense of freedom doesn’t necessarily mean we’d be convinced to actually live in the vehicle.
And yet, it encouraged this woman to quit her 9-5 job.
Angie, 27, gave up her corporate desk job and moved into her 2016 Toyota Corolla full time.
Back in October last year, she released a YouTube video explaining her journey, after releasing she’d spent ‘249,600 minutes here at this desk in the corner’.
The woman had never travelled far from home, but in November 2021, she decided to pack up her car and set out on an ’18-day adventure west’.
“I don’t know if it was feeling trapped by covid or the feeling or pressure of having a finite time on this Earth that started to make me feel unbearably claustrophobic,” she explains.

“But I got in my car and I drove all the way to California in three days barely stopping along the way.”
However, when she returned to work and things started to get tough she decided to give it all up.
“The overwhelming high cost of living in the Northeast caused me to make a dramatic life-changing decision. I would sell everything I own and move into my Corolla and head back west.”
Angie then began posting videos of her adventures as living in her car ‘allowed me to travel the country affordably at this stage in my life’.
She’d sleep in a mattress in the car, making a little pantry in the boot.
To stop her feeling like she lives ‘in a fish tank’, she covers the windows in the night and even has a pop-up tent for getting changed and going to the toilet.

Angie has visited the likes of Florida, the Grand Canyon, White Sands National Park and Death Valley.
Although, she has admitted to feeling ‘lonely’ and ‘miserable’ at times on her epic journey.
A recent video revealed she had ‘returned home from the West’ as she decided ‘nomadic travels’ in the summer wasn’t for her.
She’s said ‘goodbye to endless solo travel’ as she’s ‘bored’ of her own company and has 'received what she was searching for'.
Instead, been camping and road tripping with friends and family.
And Angie was joined by her dad and sister most recently to visit Glacier national park in Montana and elsewhere.
So the travels somewhat continue, fair play.