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Woman in tears after tattoo fail leaves her and friend with ‘limp d*cks’

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Woman in tears after tattoo fail leaves her and friend with ‘limp d*cks’

A woman and her friend's matching tattoo idea turned out horribly wrong...

A woman and her friend were left in tears after their matching tattoos went horribly wrong, with the design looking like a 'limp d*ck'.

TikTok user Anicole, who goes by the username @lanicole001, shared a clip of her and a friend heading to a tattoo shop together to get a friendship tattoo, but things didn't exactly go to plan:

The duo opted to get a butterfly wing each on the back of their upper arm, so when stood together the butterfly was complete, as a symbol of their close friendship.

Quite a sweet idea, to be honest.

But despite the design being very simple, the outcome didn't quite match what they had in mind.

It didn't quite go to plan.

"When you try to get cute matching tattoos and you get two limp d*cks instead! #wheninnash #ohno #coverup #tattoo," the TikTok user captioned the video.

The clip showed her crying in her car after the tattoo session as she showed off her new ink, before placing her head into her hands in despair.

Turns out butterflies are best inked in full...

The video quickly racked up over 754,000 likes, with over 8,000 people leaving comments as they shared their surprise at the inking.

Oh no.

"Who ever did this knew. They knew," one TikTok user wrote, while a second joked: "Is this a prison tattoo?"

A third person said: "The fact one of you went 1st...and the other stayed true to the plan," with a laughing emoji.

Some people did leave suggestions for the friends, as they tried to come up with ways to make the tattoos look better.

The duo were left unimpressed with the finished result.

One person suggested: "Have them do a dotted line to complete the other side - so it looks like it's cut out - then they can still fit together as best friend tats".

"Get both butterflies completed... then make 'your' side color and leave the other side blank to represent your bestie's side," another added.

Many TikTok users have been sharing their tattoo mishaps on the platform, and one woman recently shared a clip of her new hand tattoo which went completely wrong.

She was intending to get ‘EVERYTHING’S FINE’ on the side of her hand, but thanks to a teeny, tiny, little mistake, she instead ended up with ‘EVERTHING’S FINE’.

Not quite everything.
TikTok / @theearthylama

However, the TikTok user definitely saw the funny side of the spelling mistake and could be seen uncontrollably laughing in the video.

Meanwhile, the tattoo artist didn't find it so funny despite his client reassuring him as she could be heard saying: “This is not your fault. This is the greatest moment of my life.”

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/@lanicole001

Topics: TikTok, Viral