A man who has been described as 'one of the world's most creative psychologists' and consulted with Derren Brown on his shows devised an incredibly quick personality test you can take right now.
Richard Wiseman is a professor in public understanding of psychology and is a member of the Inner Magic Circle, which is like the Magic Circle but even more exclusive.
The test takes basically no time at all, not even a minute to fully complete and all it requires of you is to hold out your hands and follow some instructions.

Quick personality tests come in all shapes and sizes, including one which asks just four questions to help you learn a little bit more about yourself.
Then there's the optical illusions which plonk an image in front of you and reckon that whatever it is you see will help determine how your brain works.
Meanwhile, plenty of people devise their own personality tests like the boss who invented the 'salt and pepper' test with the idea that it'd reveal something about potential employees.
Of course it could just be a bunch of bunkum which reveals more about how the person setting the test thinks, which is why you get someone with proper academic qualifications to work this stuff out.
It's pretty simple, just take the test in Wiseman's video below and see what the results come out as:
Well, now you've taken it, what did you think of that... pretty illuminating stuff, right?
Of course, if you're wondering what all that stuff about seeing a picture of a puppy is about, then you might want to watch through the video again, but this time not following Wiseman's instructions.
Yes, while he wanted you to close your eyes and move your hands as though one was being tugged up by a balloon and the other weighed down by books, perhaps the real test was whether or not you closed your eyes all the way through.

He explained that if your hands were far apart that was an indication that you 'have a good imagination' as well as being 'sensitive, intuitive and you easily become absorbed in books and films'.
On the other hand, if you didn't move much in response to being told to pretend there was a helium balloon pulling one hand up and books weighing another down then you're 'more logical, more analytical and you enjoy puzzles and games'.
Okie dokie then, and if you didn't shut your eyes as instructed and thus saw a picture of a puppy then the expert said you'd 'tend to be a little bit suspicious'.
Topics: Weird, Community, quizzes, Optical Illusion