Interview expert and educator Anna Papalia has shared some wisdom on everything you should not be doing in job interviews.
Job interviews are probably on that long list of things that we'd rather never have to do again in our lives. It's got to be up there with taking tests (of any kind), paying bills and trips to the dentist - all painful, but sadly, inevitable experiences we have to go through.

Worse than the job interview itself is the rejection that sometimes follows.
Short of not turning up or not having a good answer to the dreaded 'why do you want to work here?' question - unsuccessfully hiding the fact it's just for the money - there are other things you might not have considered costing you the job of your dreams.
Some more obvious than others, American author and educator Anna Papalia has shared some insight to her TikTok page on four things you should avoid doing in a virtual interview if you actually want to get the job.
Do not use a script
Now, some people get stage fright or trip over their words, so having a script might be considered a helpful way to avoid babbling in an interview.
Well, according to Anna, you might want to avoid doing that.
"If you read off your interview answers in a virtual interview, you will sound and look like a weird robot and they’re not going to pass you onto the next round.
“You can have a few notes on your computer screen but don’t rely on a whole script.”

Dress from the waist up
No, she's actually not joking. Anna believes there's no point wearing pants to your virtual interview because, well, unless you stand up for some reason, they're never going to actually know.
“You don’t have to wear real pants, you just have to dress up from the waist up.”
By 'real' pants, I think Anna means save yourself the effort of pulling out some fancy chinos from your wardrobe and just focus on what the eye can see.
Risky, if you ask me, but I'm not the expert.
Don't take your virtual interview in the car
OK, hate to state the obvious but as Anna says: “Don’t drive and don’t be in your car for a virtual interview.”
The fact that she even had to say it makes me think it happens more often than it should.
Find a room to sit and take your interview in if you want any chance at being considered for the job.
Eat before you take your seat
“And whatever you do, don’t eat while you’re being in a virtual interview. I know this sounds crazy but it happens so frequently, make sure you’re treating this like a real interview. Sit on the edge of your seat, pay attention to your eye contact which means you’re looking into the camera lens," she added.
Now there's no excuse not to smash your next interview.