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Woman shared shocking voicemail she received from recruiter after they looked at her Facebook page

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Woman shared shocking voicemail she received from recruiter after they looked at her Facebook page

Lily Rose-Wilson was shocked when she heard a voicemail left by a recruiter after they looked through her Facebook page

The search for a job can often seem long and unforgiving.

And one woman discovered the hard way that sometimes recruiters aren't always the most complementary of people:

Lily Rose-Wilson, who is originally from London, was looking for work in Perth, Australia, a few years ago and was not having much luck.

That was, however, until she applied for a position at STS Health, who seemed keen to speak to her about a role.

Things took a turn, though, when she missed a call from one of the company's recruiters, Michelle Lines, who left a message, which at first was nice enough, explaining that she would get a call back the next day.

But Lines failed to hang up the call properly, and her following conversation with colleagues in the office.

Michelle Lines left Lily Rose-Wilson a message.
A Current Affair

"Not answering the phone now,” Lines said.

One of her fellow employees then joked that she's 'probably getting another tattoo', with Lines saying 'she’s probably doing her fake tan'.

The other employee then asked: "Did you really like, Facebook stalk?".

To which Lines replied: “That’s what you got to do, babe."

The man added: “Yeah, well it’s very thorough, good on you."

He then told Lines that he wouldn't have to go through a man's Facebook page.

“Yeah, if it was recruiting a guy, a technician, nup,” he says.

Lines replied: “Like here she is right, she looks really nice here. I said, like, we really liked the resume and then I looked at these and went aww. I don’t like her anymore. She’s taking selfies all the time.”

When she heard the exchange back, Rose-Wilson said that she was shocked.

Rose-Wilson said she was shocked when she heard the message.
Facebook/Lily Rose-Wilson

Speaking to A Current Affair, she said that she thought they 'really liked' her and that she was in with a good shout of getting the job.

“The thing that really gets me is that she loved my resume, she really liked my resume, I could have been a possible candidate for that job until she saw my photos on Facebook,” she explained.

"I was obviously a clear applicant for that job yet she wasn’t going to give me a chance, she wasn’t going to call me in because of my looks, because of my tattoos and that’s just not right … that really upset me."

The outlet managed to track Lines down, confronting her outside a supermarket.

Apologising for her comments, she said: “I did just want to say sorry to Lily if I did hurt your feelings and it certainly wasn’t my intent and it was an immature moment for me in the office."

Featured Image Credit: A Current Affair

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