Small but mighty, tugboats are vital vessels as they help much larger ships by towing, pushing and guiding them.
Oh, and of course, they put on those cool displays when they spray water for cruises.
But with so many risks involved and such important work to be done, working on a tugboat can be pretty tough graft.
And a man who worked on board one has shared the surprising amount of money he made in just one week.
Trevion Williams is a Merchant Seaman who has worked on cruise ships and sailed around Korea, but he says ‘living on a tugboat’ is one of the coolest things he’s done.

The American shares an insight to his life working ‘on tugs’ on YouTube and previously shared how much cash he racked up in a week’s worth of work.
The lad had never worked on one before but when he was told he’d potentially be ‘making 410 a day’, he couldn’t deny the opportunity. So, he started the role which sees him working two weeks on, two weeks off.
Before his big reveal, Williams did give a ‘disclaimer’ that ‘every job will not be like this’ on boats, but he just wanted to give a ‘general idea’ of how much can be earned – with higher amounts being possible.
The seaman explained that the pay typically varies on an individual’s ‘positioning’ as well as the timing of the year, the company itself and if there’s any overtime added in.

Williams then shared a photo of his pay cheque from one week on the tugboat explaining he had managed to make ‘almost $3,000’.
Before taxes are deducted, his cheque shows he had a whopping total earning of $3,089.22 (£2,401.67).
However, he says the taxes ‘kill him’ as a childless, unmarried man, as his final pay ends up coming to $2,241.05 (£1,742.27).
The seaman pointed out he had racked up 84 hours and received a ‘missing man split pay’ of $213.20 (£165.75) – although he’s not quite sure what that actually means.
And I mean, even with the taxes taking off, that’s quite the pay for one week of work.
Williams said he’s sharing this for ‘motivational purposes’ for the kids who are ‘trying to figure out what they want to do’.
However, he did warn that you do need to be trained to do what he does as he added: “People go out here and get killed, people go out here and get hurt and all type of stuff.”
Topics: YouTube, Social Media, Money