A man who takes home a fortune per year shopping at Poundland is telling people exactly how they can do it too.
Definitely taking an outside-the-box approach to the world of business and investing, it's clear that this savvy businessman has truly cracked the code after upping his £7 an hour wage to a staggering £500,000 every year.
Zain Shah has since revealed to his followers a step-by-step guide on how they, too, can make big bucks from traipsing the aisles at your local pound shop. Check it out:
The businessman went viral earlier this week after he started opening up about his slightly alternative but nonetheless very well-paid business venture.
Zain has successfully tapped into the fairly undiscovered market of reselling - purchasing goods at an über cheap price only to sell it on for a massive profit.
And, according to Zain, anyone can also be raking in a fortune as their new shiny yearly salary.
He recently took to YouTube to share with this 27,400 subscribers exactly how he goes about securing the funds.
The short video is titled: "How Zain Shah Made £500,000 from Poundland?"
"In this video," he promises fellow eager money-makers, "I will show you how you can do it yourself."

And that he did.
After commenting on his recent financial escapades going viral, Zain got straight down to business - quite literally.
He began by telling his subscribers that he's been in the game now for over a decade, saying: "I am a full time seller when I started like literally, I had no money whatsoever."
Zain also admitted that he 'knew nothing' about the concept of reselling either.
Then, the money man told an anecdote of how it all began one fateful day 10 or so years ago.
"So, one day I remember I was looking for like a spanner and I went to Halford first and that spender was £15/£16," he started.
Certain that he could find a cheaper deal elsewhere, Zain then rocked up to a major pound store retailer to try his luck.
"I went to Poundland and that spanner was literally one pound," he continued.
Hitting back at concerns of 'quality' with such a low price, Zain admitted: "I don't give a toss. All I want to do is open a bolt.

"I'm not a tradesman, I don't need to spend 16 pound on a spanner. So, I just bought it from a Poundland and I thought, well, there are a lot of cheap DIY items here, I started listing those items," he said.
To think this man grew an entire empire off the back of a one quid spanner is quite impressive.
After the p's started to roll in - it's clear that Zain got a taste for the luxurious life of reselling.
Zain went on to look around in other cheap retailers like Poundland, Argos and AliExpress to grow his investments even further.
He shared a screen recording from his computer of a wireless speaker retailing on Poundland's website for £8.
Then opening up a tab on eBay, he explained: "The same speaker is being sold for £23.49. And two of them already have been sold.
"So this is just one example for the item from Poundland."
According to Zain, the first thing that you need to do is find an item that you know will sell - think electronics, entertainment products and nothing too 'bulky'.
Think stuff that's 'easy to post' and absolutely no food products. Then, compare the prices of said item across all the different platforms.

"Trust me, it's not going to take you very long time," Zain promises.
Once listed, he told his subscribers that they can use a 'Royal Mail price finder' to estimate the price of delivery fees - another outgoing that needs to be taken into account.
However, as Zain is already making quite a profit from such items - he usually opts for the 'free delivery' option to further incentivise buyers.
Then, it's just a matter of waiting for the orders to roll through while you sit back and watch your profits grow all from the comfort of your home.
And, if the item is a dud, Zain explains you can always return it within the 30-day period.
Not bad for a Poundland jobby at all.