Topics: Hasbulla, UFC, Dana White, TikTok, YouTube
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Hasbulla Magomedov is an internet star who has taken over social media in recent years, and if you don't know who he is, you're about to find out.
The young star went viral on TikTok in early 2021 thanks to hilarious videos of him and his rival Abdu Rozik arguing in press conferences, almost coming to blows in some videos.
Hasbulla has amassed millions of followers across various social media apps and has now become a cross over star, with famous friends and admirers across the globe.
Here is everything you need to know about him and his journey so far.
Hasbulla recently landed himself in hot water when a video of him appearing to hurt a cat went viral. Reactions online included "that's him cancelled then," from@MacBreandan and "doesn't matter who you are, you don't hit animals for any reason," from M1KEYD_".
Despite his more than youthful appearance, Hasbulla is actually 19-years-old. He was born on 5th July, 2003.
Hasbulla is from the Russian Republic of Dagestan, where he also resides.
Hasbulla and Khabib have been seen together in many pictures and videos due to their close bond. However, we can confirm that Hasbulla and Khabib are not at all related.
Hasbulla has often been nicknamed the 'Mini Khabib', but they are just friends and not family.
Yes! Hasbulla signed a deal with the UFC which is probably worth a lot more than some of the fighters already on their roster. It's believed the deal is more for promotional purposes than anything else after he struck up a good relationship with Dana White, but he does seem to keep getting into online arguments with the likes of McGregor and Rozik, so who knows what could happen!?
As of right now, Hasbulla is not scheduled to fight anyone despite his newly signed deal with the UFC. Many arguments have been caused by the potential of Hasbulla having a fight, with the Sports Association of the Little People of Russia branding the news 'unethical'. If anything changes on this, we'll be the first to let you know of the news.
Hasbulla's net worth at this time is undisclosed, though it's believed his UFC deal will have drastically increased it. Hasbulla's net worth was recently estimated to be around the $200,000 mark, but that will be no doubt be on the rise.
Hasbulla has a form of dwarfism, although that hasn't been officially confirmed by him. The genetic disorder that he appears to have causes stunted growth and child like characteristics like a high pitched voice and a younger looking appearance.
Despite his condition, Hasbulla remains upbeat about life.
"I can't say that I'm handicapped. I can speak, I understand.
"I have arms and legs just like others."
The 19-year-old is around meter tall, or 3ft 3" in height. It's estimated that he weighs around 16 kilos of 2.5 stone.
As far as we are aware, Hasbulla is single and loving life. If he did have a girlfriend or indeed a partner at all, he could be keeping them private away from his huge following and the pressures that comes with. But as far as we can tell, Hasbulla does not have a girlfriend.
Does he! Hasbulla is a huge star on Instagram, with well over 6.1 million followers. You can follow him at www.instagram.com/hasbulla.hushetskiy where he posts images and videos about his life travelling around being a star.
Yes, Hasbulla is a devout Muslim.
Hasbulla merchandise has become hugely popular over the last couple of years, none more so than these life size cutouts you can get of the man himself. It will cost you over £20 but the memories it will leave you with will last a life time.