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Brand new 5D cinema can make the entire audience feel like they're on fire

Brand new 5D cinema can make the entire audience feel like they're on fire

It might revolutionise the way we watch the latest films

Yeah we know about 3D and 4D cinemas, but what about 5D? It seems like they might be the next big thing.

The world of entertainment is about to be rocked, as going to the movies with your mates might be more immersive than ever before.

China may have pioneered the first ever 5D theatres, adding two more dimensions to what looks like a measly (and frankly unpopular) movie-viewing experience in 3D.

Haven't you heard? 3D is old news. (Getty Stock Photo)
Haven't you heard? 3D is old news. (Getty Stock Photo)

A video of the experience was posted on Instagram, where the unbelievable experience could be seen wowing the audience.

Posted by an account named 'Cheddar', the viral clip shows a fire being spread on the ceiling of a hall, and the flames look incredibly realistic.

Apparently, people in the theatre are able to feel the heat from the fake fire raging in front of their very eyes, and they can even smell the flames despite there being nothing there.

A step above 4D, where your seat moves with motions shown on screen, 5D brings in other sensory effects that will change the way we view Hollywood's latest films.

How does it work though?

Well, the ceiling in the theatre hall has screens, so the flames are shown there when the fire 'expands', making the experience feel more authentic.

Artificial heat is generated through temperature control in the room, while the smell of burning is also spread through the air - those are the extra two dimensions on show then.

There will definitely be limitations on who's 100% fit enough to go through the experience, but movie-lovers will surely be itching to try their hand at a 5D movie viewing.

It's a very intriguing avenue when it comes to how future generations watch the latest releases, as Tesla have (inevitably) entered the cinema realm by building their own movie theatres that will surely be unique in their own way.

The fire looks scarily real. (Cheddar/Paras Griffin)
The fire looks scarily real. (Cheddar/Paras Griffin)

People in the comments on Instagram weren't shy to share their surprise and shock at the 5D theatre experience, while making some quips about the fire.

One user wrote: "We had this in our house. But it was just one time use. After that we had to call the Fire brigade.

Another shared: "Hopefully there are several security systems, cause this looks super dangerous! But it´s probably awesome!"

A third said: "Imagine coming back from the bathroom to see the movie theatre on fire."

Health and Safety regulations will need to be clearly outlined before these reach the rest of the world, but it's something cool to look forward to nonetheless.

Featured Image Credit: Cheddar/Paras Griffin / Stringer

Topics: Film, Instagram, Technology, Viral