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90s Kids Are Having Their Memories Seriously Unlocked With Nostalgic Throwback Video

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90s Kids Are Having Their Memories Seriously Unlocked With Nostalgic Throwback Video

90s kids have just got a blast from a past following a nostalgic throwback clip

Whether you're a ripe Millennial or just on the cusp of being Generation Z – it's fair to say that there are a few key memories all 90s kids seem to share.

From television programmes to toys, makeup trends to music channels, old-fashioned technology to Tamagotchis – there are clearly some universally-shared experiences from that era.

And this video will bring all that nostalgia flooding back:

The video has somehow managed to sum-up the relatable 90s childhood in just a few photos.

Captioned "Going to primary school in the 90s," a TikTok user montaged a whole album of pictures that seem to perfectly sum up the experience.

From school dinners to PE equipment – this TikTok creator definitely hit the nail on the head.

"Going to primary school in the 90s."

With more than 809k views, almost 50k likes and thousands of comments, many ex-90s kids flocked to share their reactions to the time-machine TikTok.

One user commented on just how transporting the images were, even reminding them of the aromas of that era: "It’s funny how each picture also brought back the smells."

The TikTok has amassed over 809.5k views.

Others chimed in with further 90s kid primary school core memories, including 'Being chosen to take the register to the office' and 'Missed out the PVA glue… used to love painting my hand, then peeling it off'.

Some felt the nostalgia a little too hard, almost lamenting the loss of their childhood and the new generation's differences: "[I] feel like kids these days are missing out on a lot. I'm quite bummed for my daughter starting primary school this year."

"It’s funny how each picture also brought back the smells."

Many kids who just missed the 90s mark and attended primary school in the early 2000s were keen to be involved in the nostalgia.

One Y2K kid commented: "I had all of this between 2007-2012 too."

"Exactly the same for early 2000s," assured a second.

Some TikTok users from the previous decade also jumped on board, letting the 90s kids know that these core memories of TV projectors and plimsoles were not entirely exclusive to them.

Some TikTok users felt it was 'exactly the same for early 2000s'.

"The 80’s weren’t much different to be honest," wrote one more-seasoned Millennial.

A second added: "It was the same in the 80’s except the rainbow tent thing."

Some modern-day teachers even chimed in to let everyone know iust how little had actually stayed in the 90s.

"As a primary school teacher… most of this stuff is still about."

"As a primary school teacher… most of this stuff is still about," commented one TikTok user.

Another alerted commenters: "People it’s all still there! About 90% of it. In 2022!"

Regardless of generation status, the overwhelming response to the short video was a nostalgic happiness over such a universally-shared childhood, with most TikTok users revealing how different life was back then compared to now, and how 'they were the easy days and we didn't even realise...'.

Featured Image Credit: @gravycake/TikTok

Topics: TikTok

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