Whenever she goes on podcasts there a question Angela White gets asked, and it's because there's a story people keep getting her to tell.
The adult star began in the industry at the age of 18 and ended up becoming one of the biggest names in the business.
Over the years, she's been asked a lot of questions about her life, including what she thought her biggest mistakes were.
She said that her biggest error was trying to do everything herself, but that she doesn't regret it because she learned a lot.
And something else she gets asked about a lot is her relationships with fans.
Speaking to the Pillow Talk podcast, she discussed getting intimate with a pair of identical twin brothers.

During the chat, she revealed that in her life she'd been involved with identical twin brothers who both knew the other was camming - that is to say doing things over a webcam, for a paying client.
She said: "I only f**k people that I want to f**k. I've only f**ked three fans. The thing is fans are just regular people, if I have chemistry with a fan and I want to have sex with them I'm not gonna let the fact that they're a fan stop me from having sex with them.
"One guy I met at a convention and he was very charming, it ended up being a disaster but that's another story.
"Him and then the other guy I was camming with, we developed a connection. That's how we met.
"He was an identical twin and I ended up f**king his brother, not at the same time."

White mentioned that this was something she'd been asked about on a LOT of podcasts, as she'd previously told Only Stans the same story.
During that chat, she said she'd only realised they were twins when she was camming with one of them and he brought his brother into the room.
She explained: "They knew because at one point twin one was like 'I have a surprise for me' and he brought twin two in and said 'come in here'.
"I was like [shocked] so I had been camming with both at the same time. Once I started f**king twin one I was no longer camming with twin two."
"I had chemistry with twin two as well, they were like physically identical – even the c**k - same size, great size too. They did not have identical personalities."
"Twin one and I stopped seeing each other and then twin two and I started f**king. It wasn't some malicious thing, I genuinely had a connection with twin two.
"They were both really great guys in their own different ways."
Topics: Celebrity, Sex and Relationships