Showbiz legend Betty White died aged 99 at her home in California on 31 December 2021.
Only 11 days before, she had recorded a video with a message for her fans on her 100th birthday, thanking them and telling them to 'stick around.'
Her social media team today published that video on Betty's Facebook page.

In the video, the Golden Girls star says: “I just want to thank you all for your love and support over the years.
"Thank you so much, and stick around!”
Betty's assistant Kiersten Mikelas wrote a caption to the video thanking fans for their donations to local animal rescues as part of the #BettyWhiteChallenge in memory of the great woman.
She wrote: "As we continue to see number coming in from all over the world — it’s just absolutely amazing how much money all of you raised for the animals through #TheBettyWhiteChallenge.
"She could never have imagined such an outpouring of love and would have be so grateful to everyone."
Betty was a lifelong animal rights activist and fans had created the challenge in honour of her.

According to the Smithsonian Magazine, The Pet Alliance of Greater Orlando received more than $42,000 (£31,000) and
animal rescue groups in Alberta, Canada received more than $186,000 (£109,000) in Betty White’s honour.
Kiersten noted when the team recorded a special message for fans who attended the movie Betty White: A Celebration, they had also recorded another to celebrate her birthday.
"She was using the occasion of her 100th birthday to celebrate YOU - her fans," she wrote. "She knew how lucky she was; she felt the love, and she never took it for granted.
"I think it’s appropriate to post today as a thank[s] from Betty and the animals."
Kiersten had already celebrated Betty's life by posting a photo of her taken on the same day as the videos on 17 January.
The caption read: “On this special day, I wanted to share this photo of Betty. It was taken on 12/20/21.
"I believe it’s one of the last photos of her. She was radiant and beautiful and as happy as ever.”
A death certificate confirms Betty died six days after the stroke she suffered on Christmas Day.
Featured Image Credit: Credit: Betty White/Facebook