Brendan Fraser would be keen to have a crack at a fourth film in The Mummy franchise as long as the 'concept' was right.
Sitting down with Variety to chat about his upcoming film The Whale, the actor admitted he'd be game for a revisit to the film saga that shot him to superstardom.
He told the outlet: "I don’t know how it would work but I’d be open to it if someone came up with the right concept."

So there you have it. Get your thinking caps on Hollywood, because this is the second stage of The Brenaissance that we would like - nay, demand - to see.
Universal Studios already tried to reboot The Mummy back in 2017.
Brendan Fraser wasn't on the bill; much to the disappointment of audiences around the world.
Instead, it was Tom Cruise who was the one left with the fallout of raising the dead... and it didn't go well.
The film recorded a blistering 15 per cent on Rotten Tomatoes, a stark difference to the fan-favourite film of the same name starring Fraser, which scored 61 per cent on the same film rating website.
Fraser revealed to Variety that the magic ingredient that turned The Mummy into Mummy-mania was missing from Cruise's take on the story.
"It is hard to make that movie" Fraser said.
"The ingredient that we had going for our Mummy, which I didn’t see in that film, was fun."
He added: "That was what was lacking in that incarnation. It was too much of a straight-ahead horror movie."
Fraser's diagnosis is correct.
Cruise's take was a creepy thriller-horror without any of the happy-go-lucky charm of the original trilogy.

"The Mummy should be a thrill ride, but not terrifying and scary," Fraser told Variety. "I know how difficult it is to pull it off.
"I tried to do it three times."
Fraser's comments come as welcome news for fans of the original trilogy, who have previously urged Hollywood to get its act together and make a legacy sequel to The Mummy series.
According to the Hollywood Reporter, a fourth Mummy film almost happened following Tomb of the Dragon Emperor, but Universal opted to make 2017's ill-received Tom Cruise reboot instead.
A 2019 article reads: "Universal opted not to go forward with a fourth film that would have seen the O'Connells face off against Aztec mummies in South America with Antonio Banderas playing the villain, and instead set its sights on a cinematic universe."
Last year, a petition was started to resurrect this canned fourth instalment of the bonkers series.
Topics: Brendan Fraser, TV and Film, Tom Cruise, News, Celebrity