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‘Fish and rice cake’ guy launches his own rice cake business after '17 years of marketing'

‘Fish and rice cake’ guy launches his own rice cake business after '17 years of marketing'

Danny Andrews wants to be the face of rice cakes

We all remember the ‘fish and rice cake’ guy, right?

"Eight o'clock in the morning, I'll have fish and a rice cake," was the quote that changed Danny Andrews' life.

Aged just 17, the young bodybuilder from Preston became an overnight sensation when his clip on BBC Three documentary Baby Faced Bodybuilders went viral in 2007.

"At two o'clock, I'll have fish. At four o'clock - just before I train - I'll have fish and a rice cake," he said in the clip that's been viewed millions of times over.

But with '17 years of marketing' under his belt, Danny has now made the decision to launch his own rice cake business - and insists it's 'not something I'm just putting my name to'.

"I have actually created it and tested it and made sure that the macros are perfect because it's not only great tasting, but the macros are awesome on it as well," the now 34-year-old told LADbible.

If you know, you know. (BBC)
If you know, you know. (BBC)

"So it's good for bodybuilders and gaining muscle as well as keeping your calories low as well.

"So it's 17 years of marketing really without even knowing it."

Each packet of 'Danny's Protein Rice Cakes' has two rice cakes and a total of 15g of protein, with just 2g of sugar.

Coming in two flavours, there's chocolate and white chocolate to choose from.

"They're bigger than your average rice cake as well, and they are £3.50 per pack of two and you can get them in packs of 10 for £30," the barbershop owner added.

'Fish and a rice cake' guy Danny Andrews has started his own rice cake business. (Supplied)
'Fish and a rice cake' guy Danny Andrews has started his own rice cake business. (Supplied)

Danny says that if you sign up to the mailing list, you'll get 10 percent off your first purchase.

He has started the business in Newcastle with Zack McGuirk, his friend and championship-winning bodybuilder.

The products, which are being made by the Protein Queen, have all been taste tested, says Danny.

"So we met her and then we've been doing taste tests, trying to create the most amount of protein in these little rice cakes," the gym enthusiast explained.

"So we've tried it on top of the rice cake, we've tried to encase it in the rice cake. And then we've had to get the macros right.

The rice cake comes in two flavours - chocolate and white chocolate. (Supplied)
The rice cake comes in two flavours - chocolate and white chocolate. (Supplied)

"When there was too much sugar, it tasted really good and then we had to bring it down. It's been a long process."

Danny says he used to get teased over the meme, having to deal with trolls and cyberbullying when he was younger.

It was only until he started to open up in interviews when the 'narrative kind of changed'.

"It's like 'look at him now', and then the people that you've given joy to with the meme, I want to do something with it," Danny said.

"And me and my friend got together a couple years ago and we've been working on this until now, ready to launch.

"It's been a long, long road."

Danny wants to become the face of rice cakes. (Supplied)
Danny wants to become the face of rice cakes. (Supplied)

On his goal for the business, Danny said: "We want to create the world's best rice cake because if you think of like Tony the Tiger, you think of Frosties.

"If you think of Uncle Bens, you think of rice. If you think of Ronald McDonald, you think of McDonald’s.

"When you think of rice cakes, you think of me."

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Featured Image Credit: Supplied/BBC

Topics: Food And Drink, Viral, Celebrity