Jennifer Ellison, an actor and former glamour model, has said that she once turned down a very lucrative offer and is incredibly glad she did.
She also revealed that sometimes her sons will get comments from people who've seen photos of her.
Appearing recently on Anything Goes with James English, she talked about the impact having kids had on her life, and some of the downsides that come with people being able to Google all sorts about her life.
During her career she had a long stint in Brookside, an appearance in the 2004 film The Phantom of the Opera and has made appearances in several other shows, as well has numerous theatre performances.
Ellison also worked as a glamour model and her pictures regularly appeared in a number of magazines which no longer exist, but the internet means a lot of these pictures just don't disappear long after the pages they were printed on have disintegrated.

In the interview, she revealed to James English that she'd once turned down a £500,000 offer from Playboy, and explained exactly why she was happy she'd made that decision.
She said: "I did turn down Playboy for nearly half a million, because I just thought 'if I ever have little boys', and I'm so glad that I did.
"My three little lads, the internet's like crazy now.
"Even like when they're playing rugby they'll go 'oh your ma's fit' or this or that like.
"Because they've seen me in the men's mags, not now but I think they've all had a little Google.
"So if there would have been anything like that out now I'd have been mortified."
And people listening to the interview said they found Ellison to be 'a top girl and very down to earth', and commented 'well done for thinking ahead' on the decision to give the Playboy offer a swerve.
The Liverpool actor would no doubt be pleased to know she was called a 'proper scouser' by someone else in the comments, and a number of people wrote in that they were pleased to see she was doing well.
All in all, it might have been quite a good career decision to steer clear of Playboy.
Since Hugh Hefner shuffled off his mortal coil and joined the choir invisible, there's been quite a few criticisms of the place, including Hefner keeping a record of the number of times women slept with him and the strict rules he made those who stayed at his mansion follow.