Noddy Holder has shared a health update after being given six months to live.
The former frontman of Slade, 77, was diagnosed with oesophageal cancer five years ago, his wife Suzan Price revealed in October.
Price said that in 2018, she and her husband, were given the heartbreaking diagnosis.
“To watch him do what he does so brilliantly was thrilling, entertaining and profoundly moving. You see, five years ago we were given the devastating news that he had oesophageal cancer and only had six months to live,” the author wrote in her column.
That same month, the couple opened up on the situation on Channel 5’s Jeremy Vine show with Alexis Conran, as Holder explained that he was put on an experimental form of chemotherapy treatment that had not been tried on 'anyone over 60'.

"I was more worried for my family, how they were going to react, than I was for myself really," he admitted.
"I went eventually to The Christie hospital in Manchester and I said, ‘Well is it six months? Is that it? Is that the end of the line?’
"And they said, ‘Well, the only option you’ve got is an experimental treatment that we’ve never ever tried before, we’ve had some success over the past 12 months with it, but we’ve never tried it on anyone over 60’… because it was very, very hard going.
"He said, ‘But your positive outlook and your mind could help you, and are you willing to take the trial on?’ and I said, ‘Well, what choice have I got really?…’ and I tried it, it was hard going, very hard going, but five years later I’m still standing."
Holder said that he kept his cancer treatment a secret for five years as he 'didn’t want the attention'.
“I wanted to deal with it in my own way,” he added.

The Walsall-born singer - who fronted the rock band Slade from 1966 to 1992 - has since provided fans with a health update.
He told Radio 2 earlier this week: “It was touch and go. I lost all my hair. My weight was down to about eight stone. So every cloud.
“I’ve just had a scan last week and everything’s on an even keel at the moment, so I hope it carries on that way.
“I’m fit, fit, fit… but I’m fit for nothing.
“I was more worried for Suzan and the kids and the grandkids than I was for myself, really, because I knew it’d be much more of a trauma or certainly an equal trauma for them as it was for me.
“Five years later, I’m still standing, in the words of Elton.”