Seen as though she apparently had her way with him, 'spanked' him on the backside and then shooed him out of the field they had made love in, people have a vested interest in the identity of the woman who took Prince Harry's virginity.
There's been plenty of theories about who the mystery woman who popped the Prince's cherry behind a 'busy pub' might be, but we've never had a definitive answer from him, or her.
Although, I can imagine the two old flames may have unexpectedly reconnected after the Duke of Sussex aired their dirty laundry in his bombshell memoir Spare, which hit the shelves in January last year.
He dished the details about his first sexual encounter that occurred way back in 2001, which would mean that Harry was attending Eton and would have been 16 or 17 years old.
The now-39-year-old really set the royal rumour mill swirling when he described the rendezvous as a 'humiliating episode with an older woman who liked horses a lot and treated me like a young stallion'.
Harry wrote: "I mounted her quickly, after which she spanked me on the backside and sent me on my way. One of my many errors was to do it in a field, just behind a crowded pub."

And ever since people starting turning the pages of Spare, good-looking women in the Gloucestershire area with a few years on the Prince were under suspicion - alongside stars like Liz Hurley.
The Austin Powers actor, 58, has again addressed the rumours that she was the older woman who took Harry's virginity all those years ago.
At the time, Liz was some seriously hot property herself and she would have been around 36 years old.
But was she spending her nights in countryside pubs and flirting with college students with royal ties? Apparently not.
During an appearance on Watch What Happens Live, Liz put the rumours about her messing around with the Duke's crown jewels to bed once and for all.

The actor, who was promoting the release of her son Damian's directorial debut Strictly Confidential which she stars in, told host Andy Cohen: "That [the rumour] was ludicrous!
"He said, ‘She was English, she was older than me, it was in Gloucestershire'. And people were like, ‘Ah, it’s Elizabeth’.
"It was absurd. It was ridiculous."
Liz went on to say she had 'never met him in her life'.
Funnily enough, Harry's wife Meghan Markle previously wrote about having a 'girl crush' on Liz on her blog in 2015.
This was, of course, before she met her future husband.
The Suits star admitted that her fondness for Liz came from the model's famous appearance in a Versace dress that was held together by gold safety pins, a fashion statement which is credited with catapulting her into the spotlight.
Topics: Celebrity, Prince Harry, Royal Family, Sex and Relationships