The 'most famous model in the world' has got to be the one people have seen the most, right?
Going by that logic the 'most famous model' has been seen by untold millions of people, perhaps even billions, all around the world.
You, dear reader, have almost certainly seen her somewhere in your life and now you know more about her it'll be harder not to realise that she's staring back at you from every wall and page which bears an advert.
She's the face that launched a thousand adverts, with the products she's promoted ranging from jewellery, holidays, music, fitness and cereal to cameras, job postings and healthcare treatments.
Take a look at the picture below, that's her in all of the images ranging from eye tests to being a student in an advert to taking on the difficult job of becoming the face of sudoku.

At some point in your life you will have been looking at something with her face on it smiling back at you, but who is she?
What we do know is that her name is Ariane, her mum is from China and her dad is a French-Canadian.
She got her big break in modelling in 2005 when she started taking pictures for stock photos and quickly became one of the most popular models of the medium.
If anyone, anywhere needed a stock photo it was likely that Ariane already had it covered, and thanks to the rise of the internet it made her a global megastar.
To be honest there's probably stock photos we've used which have her in it, and though some on the internet dubbed Ariane the 'Overexposed Model' there's a reason her modelling talents are so sought out.

She seems to have embraced her unlikely fame as in her Instagram profile she calls herself 'the girl smiling at you in ads all over the world'.
If you go on there you'll be able to see a selection of the staggering amount of ads her likeness has appeared in as people send them to her and she often re-shares them.
Even she doesn't know how many adverts she's in as once a stock photo has been created it's out there for pretty much anyone to use.
It is no understatement to say that Ariane really is everywhere and now you know to look out for her it's likely you won't be able to shake the fact that she's smiling back at you from a billboard.