The iconic foxy morons from Fountain Lakes are back, bigger and better than ever.
And if you zip your lip for a moment, darl, we've got some pretty big news. We've got a feeling in our waters that you're going to like this.
Channel 7 has finally confirmed that the wait for the Kath and Kim reunion episodes is now OVAH. That's O, V, A, H - OVAH.
The two-episode special will air on November 20 and 21, so make sure you have your shapes, footy franks and a bottle of Baileys in hand.
It's time to don your glad rags because this is going to be two nights of Australian television that you won't want to forget.
Seven revealed the 'yuge news on the socials, with what could be the most important Instagram post of all time.
"Find the low fat, sugar free, high fibre, glutton free, zero Dippity, Dippitybix and crack open the Tia Maria... Fountain Lakes' foxy morons are back for a sneak peek into their most private nooks and crannies from the past 20 years," the post read.
"Join us November 20 and 21 for Kath and Kim: Our Effluent Life."
Oh and apparently there is a dress code: "Tizzy." Noice. That's noice, different, and unusual.
The whole gang will be back in action, too.
The OG hornbags themselves will make an appearance, with Kath Day-Knight (Jane Turner) and her daughter Kimberly Day Craig (Gina Riley) will be stunning us with how they've been going.
And if they're not dressed to the nines in Dotti or Witchery, then don’t talk to us.
Purveyor of fine meats Kel (Glenn Robbins) and Kim’s dopey husband Brett (Peter Rowsthorn) and her second-best friend Sharon Strzelecki (Magda Szubanski) will be out in force.
Who will have pash rash? Who has lost weight the old fashioned way, with laxatives and smokes?
Only time will tell.
As per a report from the Sydney Morning Herald, we can also expect to see Brighton's finest glamour nannas, Prue and Trude (played by Jane Turner and Gina Riley), gracing our screens once again to look down their noses at everybody else.
The Herald Sun revealed back in July that the cast had shot '10 minutes of new footage for the show, which will run as a 20 to one style format of hits, memories and unseen clips from the vault'.
A host of celebrities, including a Magpies AFL player, is set to feature alongside the Fountain Lakes hornbags in the upcoming special.
One familiar face that will not be there, though, will be Shane Warne.
But there's plenty of clips from that 'vault' that will tug at our heartstrings, let us tell you, doll: the end of the month can’t come soon enough.
And we're speed walking to it. After all, it doesn't make you a crim to keep yourself trim.
Kath and Kim: Our Effluent Life will screen on Channel 7 on November 20 and 21.
Topics: Australia, TV and Film