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The Inbetweeners Scene Which Was Cut And Fans Wonder Why It Was Deleted

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The Inbetweeners Scene Which Was Cut And Fans Wonder Why It Was Deleted

A deleted scene from The Inbetweeners movie has been shared on TikTok and it absolutely should've made it into the final film.

A recently resurfaced video has had fans wondering why one particular The Inbetweeners Movie scene was deleted. Take a look below:

Of course, we all know that nothing has been the same since The Inbetweeners series wrapped up in 2010.

We aren't saying that the series ending is the reason for the world turning into a glorified dumpster fire, but it definitely didn't help.

But now, a deleted scene from The Inbetweeners Movie has been shared on TikTok and it absolutely should've made it into the final film.

In case you were living under a rock in 2011, we'll catch you up to speed on the film, which follows Will (Simon Bird), Simon (Joe Thomas), Jay (James Buckley), and Neil (Blake Harrison) as they head to Malia for a lad's holiday.

As you can imagine, the four 'fwends' end up in some pretty dire situations, starting with their hotel — complete with a dead dog and a €50 fine if they 'sh*t on [the] floor'.

The best film of 2011 by a mile.

However, it turns out that one hilarious scene didn't make it into the final cut and it features fan favourite Mr. Gilbert (Greg Davies).

In the scene, Will and Simon make their way down the strip when they see a rowdy crowd cheering on a sesh.

As the boys go to check out the source of the madness, they're met with a shirtless Mr. Gilbert, standing on a table and chugging litres of beer, which to be fair is how we imagine most sixth form teachers spend a Saturday.

Gilbert, approachable as ever mimes for the lads to stay quiet before gesturing that he'll slit their throat if they say anything.

Understandably they leave, with Will adding "Well, at least somebody is enjoying themselves."

Naturally, fans went into a frenzy for the clip, asking why it was axed from the film.

One user said: "So they took out the funny bits of the film lol."

We wouldn't mess with Greg Davies to be fair.

While another speculated: "Fun fact: this was a regular Tuesday for Greg Davies."

And we have to admit, Davies does seem like a laugh, with another adding: "Taskmaster gone wild," a reference to Davies' TV show where he gets contestants to take on ridiculous tasks to win back forfeited possessions.

Others, however, swore that they'd seen the film before, with one saying "It was in then it disappeared," to which another clarified "It’s in the extended version."

So, there you have it, the scene was deleted but only from the version most of us saw in cinemas - and not from the extended cut.

Featured Image Credit: Film 4/Film 4

Topics: The Inbetweeners, News, TV and Film, Celebrity