For most of the younger adult generation, Christian Bale is the Batman you will know and love the most.
Unless you have a passion for older films or you're a huge fan of the caped crusader, you might not even know that Michael Keaton and George Clooney both portrayed Gotham's finest in the 90s. Both would also reprise their roles, albeit briefly in Clooney's case, in 2023 film The Flash.
For younger heads, Robert Pattinson or even Ben Affleck might be your choice of Batman, but let's just try and forget that Batman vs Superman ever happened.
Therefore, it's probably fair to say that Christian Bale is the nation's favourite.
Many praise the Dark Knight trilogy as not just some of the best superhero films, but also the best films of all time going off Rotten Tomatoes ratings, with The Dark Knight rated at an impressive 94 percent.
Much of that is down to award-winning director Christopher Nolan, and after the popular Dark Knight trilogy landed on Amazon Prime recently, fans may well have been wondering what it would take to get Nolan and Bale back together on another Batman project.
Fortunately, we already have an answer from the actor's interview with Screenrant.

It seems as if he isn't ruling out dusting off the costume - and of course, we know he'd have no trouble fitting back in it, given Bale's incredible ability to change his body depending on the role.
He said: “I had a pact with Chris Nolan. We said, 'Hey, look. Let's make three films, if we're lucky enough to get to do that'.
"And then let's walk away. Let's not linger too long."
He added: "In my mind, it would be something if Chris Nolan ever said to himself, ‘You know what, I've got another story to tell'. And if he wished to tell that story with me, I'd be in."
Nolan sadly doesn't seem as willing to entertain the idea of a fourth instalment in the series, which concluded with The Dark Night Rises in 2012.

He bluntly replied 'no' when asked about the possibility, while Joseph Gordon-Levitt, who was teased as a potential sidekick to Batman in the final film, also shared his thoughts on a potential return.
He said: "Nolan was making a trilogy... He never wanted to make any more movies. This was an ending to his trilogy. It’s funny, we look back on it now with the context of the Marvel Cinematic Universe — everything is a sequel to a sequel to a sequel.
"But back in those olden days, doing a trilogy was a lot, and that was how it was thought of."
Topics: Batman, Christian Bale, Christopher Nolan, Robert Pattinson