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Harry Potter’s Quidditch record leaves viewers stunned after someone works out how many games he’s played

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Harry Potter’s Quidditch record leaves viewers stunned after someone works out how many games he’s played

He didn't play all that much in the grand scheme of things

Fans of the Harry Potter books and movies are realising that one particular element which was heavily featured in the wizarding world early on kind of faded into the background.

You've read the headline so you know we're talking about Quidditch, or Bizzumbaw if you're Scottish, that complicated wizarding sport Harry gets into very early on in the books.

Mr Potter becomes the youngest player at Hogwarts for 100 years after he's spotted catching Neville's Remembrall and is given special permission to join the game.

As for the game itself there's seven players to a team, three of whom are chasers trying to throw a big ball called the Quaffle through one of the opposing team's three hoops, which are protected by a keeper.

It's 10 points for each goal you score with the Quaffle, but every team also has a seeker that is looking for the tiny golden orb that is the Snitch, which is worth 150 points and ends the game when caught.

Catch the golden ball, win 150 points and end the game. It's not often that anything else matters.
Warner Bros

There's also two other players called beaters who protect their team from a pair of Bludgers, solid balls which basically just try to kill everyone on the pitch, beaters have bats to hit the Bludgers away and at members of the opposing team.

Now we've had that little refresher Harry Potter fans are realising that his record in the game during his time at Hogwarts has quite a few holes in it as he kept missing games for all sorts of reasons.

Full breakdown of Harry Potter's Quidditch history below

J.K. Rowling appeared to lose interest in writing Quidditch scenes as the books went on, as if you've read once that Harry flies around for a bit and catches the Snitch then you've really got the gist of it and there doesn't need to be a whole chapter about it.

Rowling also noted in an annotated copy of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone that she invented the game after an argument with a boyfriend and enjoys when men get annoyed at an aspect of the game.

At least he never lost to Slytherin.
Warner Bros

Daniel Radcliffe once told Digital Spy that he and Draco Malfoy actor Tom Felton would not miss doing the scenes in the movies, saying they were 'not a pleasant experience'.

While Harry is supposed to be this great Quidditch player, some fans have gone through his actual record over the years at Hogwarts and found him to be somewhat wanting.

This has all spilled onto social media where Harry Potter fans have had a wonderful time dissecting his career and on-pitch record.

One said he was 'the most dominant Quidditch player', pointing out that he had a strong win record and multiple trophies in his career.

Another wrote that 'Harry Potter Quidditch slander is my favourite Twitter discourse', while a third joked that Harry 'missed more games than Zion Williamson'.

Plenty of others poked at the rules of Quidditch, including how many points the Snitch earns you and whether all players should compete on the same broom for the sake of fairness.

Harry basically always catches the Snitch unless he has one of his regular near-death experiences.
Warner Bros

As for Harry's record, we'll let you decide.

Harry Potter's Quidditch Record:

1991-92 season:

  • Gryffindor 170 - 60 Slytherin. One game, one win.
  • Gryffindor 180 - 20 Hufflepuff. Two games, two wins.
  • Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw, Harry Potter did not compete due to Voldemort related injuries.

1992-93 season:

  • Gryffindor defeated Slytherin. Three games, three wins.
  • Remainder of Quidditch season called off because a giant snake was attacking Hogwarts.

1993-94 season:

  • Gryffindor 50 - 150 Hufflepuff. Four games, three wins, though Harry lost this one because dementors swarmed the Quidditch pitch and he fell off his broom. Hufflepuff offered Gryffindor a rematch but Gryffindor accepted the result.
  • Gryffindor 230 - 30 Ravenclaw. Five games, four wins, and it's really starting to look like all that business with the Quaffle is pretty immaterial.
  • Gryffindor 230 - 20 Slytherin. Six games, five wins and Harry finally completes a full season of Quidditch at Hogwarts, Gryffindor win the Inter-House Quidditch Cup.

1994-95 season:

  • No Quidditch for anyone because Hogwarts is hosting a series of deadly games with two other magic schools that a sum total of three (actually four because Harry has to be involved) get to compete in.

1995-96 season:

  • Gryffindor defeat Slytherin, making it seven games and six wins for Harry Potter before he's disqualified from Quidditch for attacking Draco Malfoy, even though he totally deserved it.
  • Gryffindor 230 - 240 Hufflepuff, where Ron has an absolute nightmare in goal.
  • Gryffindor defeat Ravenclaw, Ron has a brilliant game and Gryffindor win the cup again.

1996-97 season:

  • Gryffindor defeat Slytherin, eight games and seven wins for Harry with the vast majority being against the Hogwarts house where they put all the evil children.
  • Gryffindor 60 - 320 Hufflepuff, nine games and seven wins as Harry gets a broken skull from a Bludger sent at him by his own keeper.
  • Gryffindor 450 - 140 Ravenclaw, but Harry misses the game because he's in detention with Professor Snape and demonstrates that the Gryffindor team do just fine without him, winning the cup yet again in the process.

1997-98 season:

  • Harry doesn't compete in Quidditch this year because he's busy trying to kill Voldemort, leaving his total school record as having played nine games over six years with seven wins and three trophies.
Featured Image Credit: Warner Bros

Topics: Harry Potter, Daniel Radcliffe, JK Rowling, TV and Film, Books