A paranormal investigator who made a documentary about the real life house from The Conjuring claimed being in there made him ill.
The popular horror movie franchise is doing pretty well these days and it's even getting a spin-off TV series, but there is an actual house which featured in the films that's supposed to be home to the spirit of Bathsheba Sherman.
The real Conjuring house is pretty spooky and while someone bought it just last year they're following the advice of the previous occupant and not actually living there.
It does get plenty of visitors, however, and a few years back that included the crew of TV show Ghost Adventures, with paranormal investigator Zak Bagans claiming 'this place is haunted by something I believe is very ancient' which he believed made him unwell.
Bagans' cameras were the first allowed into the home in 15 years but he thinks whatever's haunting the house made him pay for it, saying: "As an investigator, this is the ultimate place to go because of the history.

"Being able to get inside of the house and back inside of this case, reopen these files, learn some things that people don't know about this investigation, was just an absolute thrill.
"This house made me sick, and I did not recover from this investigation for about three weeks. It took everything out of me. My body wasn't functioning right. My balance."
Over their multiple-day investigation, Bagans said he and his team experienced 'some really incredible things'. He added: "When we were using infrared binoculars, we captured this black mass blocking the light and the window of the house.
"I fear for the family that lives there if it progresses. I know it's a thrill to buy the house and live there, but they need to be very aware of what they could potentially be dealing with."

The family that used to own the house from The Conjuring are long gone since they sold the place and moved on, and it wasn't too long before they sold up themselves as well.
Bagans said that while he and his crew were in the house 's**t got real serious, real quick'.
Since the release of the first The Conjuring film in 2013 there have been eight films in total in the movie's universe, with the latest being The Nun II and a TV series in development too.
If you want to visit the actual house for yourself and see whether the evil spirts which made Bagans ill will get to you as well you can take a tour.
Any horror fans around Rhode Island can book tours, attend events and even camp out near the house if you're a dedicated pursuer of the paranormal.
Topics: TV and Film, US News