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There's a real life Mario Kart-style track and it's the ultimate nostalgia trip

There's a real life Mario Kart-style track and it's the ultimate nostalgia trip

The live-action video game combines real racing with digitally projected tracks

Remember the sheer joy of hitting your mate with a perfectly timed shell as you sat squinting at your clunky old TV? Well, we've got some good news for you.

It might be time to dust off those old gaming reflexes and get ready to chuck some weapons at your pals again because there's a Mario Kart-style track here in the UK.

Chaos Karts is a live-action video game where you can get back behind the wheel with your friends and family - minus the 90s graphics.

The augmented reality attraction combines real-life racing with digitally projected worlds, meaning your kart interacts with the track and any weapons that you or your opponents pick up along the route.

Yes, that means you can launch missiles at your pals to gain points as you speed past them.

Chaos Karts takes gaming to the next level
Chaos Karts takes gaming to the next level

Drive smart and hit those mystery cubes and you'll find a series of weapons including laser guns, hammers and bombs.

There are also speed boosters knocking about, and fried eggs to send your fellow drivers into a spin.

But with no physical obstacles on the track and anti-collision tech, you can embrace your inner speed demon without worrying about crashing.

The Manchester city centre based attraction also has four brand new tracks - Blue Sky, Midnight in Tokyo, Venetian Carnival, and a bee-themed track.

Drifting through the neon-lit Midnight in Tokyo and flying round the Venetian Carnival track, you're back to the 90s - reliving those classic video games.

Watch out for missiles and fried eggs at Chaos Karts
Watch out for missiles and fried eggs at Chaos Karts

The Manchester Bee-themed track, designed by a local winner of the ‘Design a Track’ competition, is a little reminder that you'll still be stepping out in the north of England when you're finished.

You won't want it to be over though as your competitive side gets the better of you, and it's worth pointing out that there will be podium spots for those that do come out on top.

Each session is for up to eight people and drivers are at the attraction for around an hour. This includes the briefing where staff will be able to give you some tips, your track time, and those all important scores.

One of Chaos Karts' new tracks include the Venetian Carnival
One of Chaos Karts' new tracks include the Venetian Carnival

Chaos Karts' clever blend of 90s video games with brand new tech has created an experience that'll captivate adults as much as it will kids.

It's perfect for a family day out or for some friendly-ish competition before going out with your mates.

This might just be Manchester's ultimate nostalgia trip.

Featured Image Credit: Chaos Karts

Topics: Gaming, Retro Gaming, Super Mario