What do Loserfruit and Lachlan Power have in common?
Well, they’re both gaming legends. They recently flew to London to participate in a huge gaming tournament. And, just like the rest of us, they both had their fair share of outtasorts moments.
But what exactly is an outtasorts moment?
Those moments where you just need a reset. Maybe you left the water running and now the sink’s overflowing because you were just staring into the fridge. Maybe you left your passport on the plane because you were too engrossed in the movie the person two rows in front of you was watching.
You can get outtasorts online, too.
Ever chugged a large shield potion when you meant to chug a small shield potion, and now you can’t max out your defence? Of course you have.
When it comes to Loserfruit and Lachlan Power, they don’t need to be dropping the ball. Especially when they’re in London taking part in a huge gaming tournament at the iconic O2 arena.
They just need to focus on dropping onto the battlefield in the right place, and that’s exactly where the legends at SNICKERS® come in.
SNICKERS® are there for all of us when we’re feeling outtasorts. Those outtasorts moments can strike at any time, without warning.
That’s exactly why SNICKERS® is the perfect snack to get you outta those outtasorts moments. Easy, on-the-go and, most importantly, delicious! One bite of a SNICKERS® bar and you can breathe in, breathe out and give your brain the reset it deserves to let you get on with life.
Don’t believe us? Well, SNICKERS® partnered with Loserfruit and Lachlan Power to help them prep for the tournament and, just like with any bit of travel, they both had some outtasorts moments.
We know that flight from Australia to London is a loooooong one, so it’s easy to be knocked outtasorts in those situations. And everyone has their own hacks to deal with it.
Lachlan’s hack? “Gotta go to the gym.”
“When I’m staying in one spot for the rest of the trip, I just want to start that good habit. Other than that, I try and get to the airport as late as I can.”
While that might stress some of us Type-A’s out, Lachlan assures us that he’s yet to miss a flight. And this man takes a lot of flights.
As for Loserfruit, she only has fond memories of even her worst travel blunders.
“It always turns out good, right?” she says.
“I’ve had things go wrong, but it always ends up being kind of funny!”
One thing’s for certain — regardless of when you get outtasorts, there’s always a light at the end of the tunnel.
And SNICKERS® can help you get there so much faster. A proper, nut-filled SNICKERS® helps you (and Loserfruit and Lachlan Power) sort out your hunger and returns you to you.
Because, let’s face it, you’re not you when you’re hungry!
This article originally appeared on BuzzFeed Australia, and was republished with permission.