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Man doubles salary after leaving council job to play Football Manager full time

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Man doubles salary after leaving council job to play Football Manager full time

He now plays the game up to 60 hours a week

We've all spent days at work dreaming about doing literally anything else, whether that be holidaying on a tropical island, having a beer with mates or simply kicking back at home playing video games.

Well, one man has made his daydream a reality, leaving his council job to play Football Manager full time. And he's managed to double his salary.

Football Manager puts players in charge of running some of world's best football teams.

The game's latest edition was released last Wednesday (14 November).

Tom Kelsey doubled his salary by playing Football Manager full time.

Tom Kelsey, from Lincoln, started a YouTube channel dedicated to the game while studying at Nottingham Trent University.

Alongside running the channel, the 26-year-old used to work as a business support assistant at Lincolnshire County Council.

However, as his channel grew in popularity — he now has 118,000 subscribers on the platform and racks up about one million views every month — Tom made the decision to concentrate on it full time, ditching his council job back in August 2022.

"As [the channel] got more popular and more people started watching it, you start to earn money from the adverts that you see," he told BBC News.

"Suddenly this became an idea - that I could do this as a job one day."

Tom now runs his channel from his bedroom at his parents' house, posting about three videos a week and playing the game for up to 60 hours weekly, which he admits 'would drive some people crazy.'

"In terms of the money I make now, it's double what I was earning in my full-time job before I did YouTube," he said.

"For me to be able to earn that money whilst also being my own boss and having my own choices and not work for someone else is the best part of it.

"It's the freedom that I get from it, that's what I love."

Players of the game run some of the world's biggest football teams.

And it seems Tom isn't the only player who can't tear himself away from the addictive game.

Earlier this year, one dad decided to play Football Manager while his wife was in labour.

Glenn Walton, 40, says he tried offer his partner some support during her contractions but she wasn’t interested so he fired up his laptop to play the game to pass the time.

He said: "She was super grumpy with the contractions and no matter how much help I offered, she kept snapping at me. I had my laptop in my overnight bag to do some work, but I thought it's time for Football Manager while she calms down.” Wild!

Featured Image Credit: @tom_kelso/Instagram/TomFM/YouTube

Topics: UK News, Money, YouTube, Gaming