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Jonah Hill says he didn't like his character in Wolf of Wall StreetJonah Hill says he didn't like his character in Wolf of Wall Street

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Jonah Hill says he didn't like his character in Wolf of Wall Street

For the first time in six years, Jonah Hill chose to audition for the film

Although most of us consider Jonah Hill's performance in The Wolf of Wall Street to be iconic, it turns out that he was not actually a fan of his character.

The actor famously starred alongside Leonardo DiCaprio, who portrayed infamous millionaire stockbroker Jordan Belfort.

Because his 'hero' Martin Scorsese was directing, Hill was willing to do his first audition in six years to help him land the role of Donnie Azoff.

"They said, 'You're going to fly out to New York to meet with [Scorsese]', and I had got the opportunity to meet with Leo first and give him an impassioned argument as to why I had to play the part and then he was supportive, luckily," Hill told Yahoo Movies back in 2014.

Jonah Hill says he didn't like his character in Wolf of Wall Street.Jonah Hill says he didn't like his character in Wolf of Wall Street.
Paramount Pictures

"Then I went to New York and I said, 'Well, can I show Scorsese what I want to do instead of just begging him to do the part'.

"Then I got to read with him... and I was lucky enough to get the part.

"It was the first audition I had in six years and the first one back was nerve-wracking enough, but also for my hero was slightly more scary."

The movie contains 16 scenes which include alcohol, drugs and smoking.The movie contains 16 scenes which include alcohol, drugs and smoking.
Paramount Pictures

Despite landing a career-changing role, Hill revealed his dislike towards the character.

"I just didn't like the way that Donnie treated people, that was the thing I had the hardest time with," he said.

"There's a scene with a goldfish where I throw a lit cigarette at this kid and make him cry and fire him and eat his goldfish and it's really degrading.

"On the way home I would just be like, 'Oh gosh, what did I do today?' I would feel bad."

They both starred in Martin Scorsese's 2013 smash hit where DiCaprio portrayed the life of former stockbroker Jordan Belfort.They both starred in Martin Scorsese's 2013 smash hit where DiCaprio portrayed the life of former stockbroker Jordan Belfort.
Paramount Pictures

Fellow co-star Margot Robbie played the role of Naomi Lapaglia, who was Belfort's fictional second wife.

Back in 2015, Robbie revealed an embarrassing moment on set when DiCaprio's e-cigarette accidentally got stuck in her butt after a sex scene.

She previously told The Talk that she was unsure if the Titanic actor wanted her to share the story.

Too late now.

"I don’t know if he wants me telling this story, but we’d just finished this scene and Leo always carries an e-cigarette with him, like all the time," she explained.

Co-star Margot Robbie, who plays Belfort's second wife Naomi, has shared the embarrassing moment where Leonardo DiCaprio's e-cigarette got stuck in her butt crack.Co-star Margot Robbie, who plays Belfort's second wife Naomi, has shared the embarrassing moment where Leonardo DiCaprio's e-cigarette got stuck in her butt crack.
Paramount Pictures

"So he hid it under a pillow while we were shooting. Afterwards … he’s like, ‘Where is it? Where did I put it? I had it right here’.

"I was looking around with him – both still sitting in this bed – and then I went, ‘Oh, um, it’s literally, like, in my butt crack. I’m sitting on it. I am so sorry’.

"He probably threw it away. It was so embarrassing. So yeah, sex scenes are super sexy."

The fact the e-cig somehow jumped from underneath his pillow to her butt crack is a bit strange, but there you go.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock/Paramount Pictures

Topics: TV and Film, Celebrity, Jonah Hill

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