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You Can Now Buy LADbible's First Impressions Card Game

You Can Now Buy LADbible's First Impressions Card Game

Reckon you're a natural when it comes to impressions? Now you can prove it

If you’re looking for a way to make your next big night in a lot more fun, then look no further as LADbible has got your back with the launch of its first ever physical card game First Impressions. 

Based around LADbible’s popular First Impressions YouTube series, the game will see you pit yourself against your nearest and dearest to see who can pull off the best impression under pressure.  

Inside the box, you’ll find 100 scenarios and 100 characters to play out - so you may be tasked with 'James Bond' while also ‘reading a bedtime story to a child’. 

It’s a fairly simple concept, but I can personally guarantee you that it will deliver hours of fun. For a bit of a better idea about how the game works, you can check out Ryan Reynolds and Jodie Comer having a go here. 

Now, while you may never be quite as good as Ryan or Jodie, you can certainly give it your very best shot when the game goes on sale on 10 March exclusively through LADbible’s dedicated shop. 

And if you happen to give it a go and think, ‘I’m actually far better than Ryan Reynolds, I’ve missed my calling’ - then I’ve got more good news, as playing the game could get you featured on LADbible. 

On the box you’ll find a QR code that will send you directly to LADbible’s First Impression's submissions page where you can upload your best - or worst - attempts at the game and you might end up landing yourself the viral fame you’ve always craved. 

If you’re keen to get your hands on LADbible’s first ever game, then you can do so here

It’ll cost you just £24.99 and, for now, is only available for those living in the UK; although the game is suitable for pretty much anyone and everyone, it’s recommended for those aged 12 and over.

Featured Image Credit: LADbible