It looks like the latest season of The Boys is striking a bit of a different tune compared to the other two installations.
The incredible series focuses on a bunch of flawed superheroes, however the subtext underneath their characters is fairly political and very topical.
Episode five in particular has left many far-right supporters realising that political satire of the show is aimed squarely at them... and they are not very impressed.
If you haven't seen the episode, stop what you're doing and watch it first because there are spoilers ahead.
The episode sees A-Train trying to get fellow superhero Blue Hawk to stop over-policing Black neighbourhoods.
The former Fastest Man on Earth then tried to get his fellow Supe to apologise for his behaviour, but it turns out that Blue Hawk is not capable of an apology to a community that he so clearly despises.
"I apologise if it might have been perceived as racist," a bored-sounding Blue Hawk says during the episode.
If you need a hint, this is meant to be an example of the Black Lives Matter movement that swept over the world in between season two and three of the show.
To the scoffing crowd, Blue Hawk then adds in the episode: "I do not see colour. I only see crime."
Of course, his non-apology went down like a lead balloon.
The meeting then disintegrated into chaos, with Blue Hawk responding to chants of 'Black Lives Matter', with 'All Lives Matter'.
He then did what a Supe does best - he attacks those he deems a threat; which, in this case, was a room full of unarmed Black people.
While some of the political satire in the series might be subtle in the past, this is glaringly obvious.
Reddit lit up after the episode. most notably with a thread entitled '[I] was really liking Blue Hawk until the end of his speech'.
"His speech should have been sarcastic because there is no reason to apologise for eliminating criminals," the Redditor said.
"Good stats too," the Redditor added, referring to Blue Hawk's defence that he targets Black neighbourhoods because of statistics (which don't get cited).
Here's another spoiler alert: these observations did not go down well.
One Reddit user said: "What exactly did you like about him?"
A second added: "Buddy sat through two-and-a-half seasons not realising they were satirising people like him."
Even a moderator chipped in: "Right-wingers are finally understanding that the show is making fun of them."
Well, the Redditor ended up rage-deleting their whole account. But the mockery didn't stop there.
The thread blew up so much that it boiled over the Reddit rim into Twitter territory with writer Ryan Broderick sharing screenshots of the 'chaos'.
"The Boys subreddit is in chaos right now. Threads getting locked, users rage-deleting whole accounts. It’s amazing. Right-wing users are whining about 'no politics', but it’s impossible to talk about the show without them now," Broderick said.
He then added: "Fans who thought Homelander was cool are in a meltdown."
The Boys official Twitter account jumped on board, sharing Broderick's tweet.
"Enjoy!" the tweet read, alongside the collection group of screenshots by the one hurt right-winger.
New episodes of The Boys will drop every Friday on Prime Video.
Even the series' showrunner has admitted that Homelander is meant to be Donald Trump.
Eric Kripke told Rolling Stone: "He’s always been a Trump analogue for me. I’ll admit to being a little more bald this season than I have in past seasons.
"But the world is getting more coarse and less elegant. The urgency of our team’s writing reflects that. We’re angrier and more scared as the years go on, so that is just being reflected in our writing."
Topics: The Boys, Politics, TV and Film, Amazon Prime, News