Topics: TV and Film, Disney, Disney Plus, Pamela Anderson, Celebrity, Weird
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Topics: TV and Film, Disney, Disney Plus, Pamela Anderson, Celebrity, Weird
Lily James has said that some of the prosthetics that she had to wear for her performance as Pamela Anderson in Pam & Tommy had her sweating so much that they almost fell off entirely. In case you haven’t seen the show yet, you can check out the trailer below.
Pamela Anderson and her husband Tommy Lee from Mötley Crüe were some of the most recognisable celebrities going back in the day, which meant that James and her co-star Sebastian Stan had to look the part if the show was going to be believable.
That meant that James would have to spend a lot of time in make-up and wear a prosthetic chest-piece.
In the end, fans have been blown away by how much she looked like Anderson, and that’s largely down to her acting skills, given that she went completely method and inhabited the role all the time.
However, she also had to undergo quite a significant physical transformation every day in order to maintain the illusion.
That included wigs and fake breasts.
Speaking to Entertainment Weekly, James revealed: “I was in the makeup chair at 3:30 a.m., and there would be this four-hour process to get me into the Pamela look.
“Eyes, wig, teeth, there was just a whole process.”
“We explored tons of different prosthetics like nose, chin, eyebrows, forehead, but in the end, we stripped it back as much as possible.
“We didn’t want there to be too much of a barrier between me and my expressions. I think they did a really great job. I was really pretty shocked by what they were able to do.”
Still, the breast prosthetic did cause a few problems.
James added: “The breast piece was amazing,
“You would never, never know it wasn’t me. It was shocking.
“In the end, because it took so long to put on, I didn’t wear it as much as I wanted to.
“We sort of cheated with my own boobs and figured out outfits and stuff to camouflage or hide and faked the illusion they’re bigger.”
Furthermore, she said: “It would be boiling hot—I got really sweaty and my boobs were coming off. I’m English, it’s too hot!”
Oh dear.
In the end, it seems as if the whole thing came together for the show, as loads of people have been tuning in.
If talking penises and celebrity intrigue are your thing, you can check the whole thing out on Disney+ now.