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Ex-Footballer Who Became Porn Star Says It Isn’t As Good As He Expected

Ex-Footballer Who Became Porn Star Says It Isn’t As Good As He Expected

He's spoken about his first ever shoot four years ago

A former footballer who now works in porn has opened up about his first shoot and admits the job isn’t as fun as people think.

Damian Oliver, who spent time behind bars before sorting his life out, spoke about his six-hour-long, sweat-soaked first shoot that only netted him £150. 

Speaking on the Anything Goes with James English podcast, Oliver admitted that his first shoot four years ago was a fairly ‘horrible’ experience. 

He said: “That was terrifying, being on my first set, the camera guy there was a big bald Irishman, he was quite scary - I’ve got to get my d**k out in front of him and start f***ing.”


The pressure of the situation caused Oliver to… erm… ‘shrivel up’ but said his co-star was ‘nice’ and things soon sorted themselves out. 

He went on: “It was like laminate flooring, and I was butt-naked and sweating, and I was slipping in my own sweat. 

“We had to keep cutting, I had her bent over the sofa but I kept slipping all across the floor, they had to keep wiping the floor down, I was just a dripping mess."

At the time, Oliver - who dates fellow porn star Sophie Anderson - saw porn as a way to earn a bit of cash on the side while he worked as a painter and decorator but after meeting his partner decided to give it a good full time. 

Talking about how the reality wasn’t quite the same as what he imagined, he explained: “People used to say to me, ‘you’re doing it all anyway’, because they knew I used to sleep with girls, I was a player, and they said, ‘you might as well get paid for it’," he recalled.


“But it wasn’t until I had the confidence to actually do it, [that I realised] it was a whole different ball game.”

He went on: “When I was at Crystal Palace, if I’d have stayed with them, then I could have been earning a lot more playing football. I used to fight as well, maybe that could have gone somewhere.

“I was good at both of those things, but being a porn star, I thought that would be just as good.

“But it’s not as good as people think.”

Elsewhere in the podcast, Oliver said that partner Anderson was 'soul mate' and said the pair have their eyes on a future career in mainstream acting.

Featured Image Credit: Anything Goes With James English/@damianoliverofficial/Instagram

Topics: Sex and Relationships