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Topics: Mia Khalifa, PornHub, Celebrity
Mia Khalifa has opened up about what she is looking for in a potential partner.
The former adult star could probably have people queuing round the block for a date, and has now revealed what she is looking for in a potential romantic partner. She added that gender may not be a factor for her, indicating she's not opposed to a relationship with a woman.
Khalifa, whose given name is Sarah Joe Chamoun, spoke at length about her time in the adult entertainment industry and what she might be looking for in a romantic partner.
Khalifa admitted that she had found it 'difficult' to find a relationship. Originally from Lebanon, she married her high school boyfriend after moving to the US with her family. The pair split in 2014 and then divorced in 2016. Khalifa has since claimed that he had encouraged her to go into adult entertainment, which she thinks was a form of 'fetishisation'.
Nonetheless, she did also concede that as far as relationships go she's 'not trying'. To be fair, with three businesses and a large social media following to manage she's had a lot on her plate.
Speaking on the YouTube channel The Diary of a CEO, she told host Steven Bartlett: "I'm not trying. I've been a serial monogamist for a while. I got out of a longish term relationship, it's difficult but I also haven't tried.
"I don't know what I'm expecting, I haven't gone into the dating world in probably six years, I've been in long term relationships."
Bartlett went on to ask what she was looking for in a partner. Her answer is perhaps reflective of the difficult journey that she has been on.
She said: "Emotional intelligence, and a good relationship with their therapist and with therapy in general, who's constantly working on themselves, is self aware, and understands the ebbs and flows of life and emotions, and how it's not always going to be even keeled how it will oscillate.
"But that doesn't mean go from good to toxic, it means go from good to needing a little more support than you normally have."
Bartlett remarked: "Men are not necessarily the best at emotional intelligence."
Khalifa laughed and replied: "I'm not ruling out women."
Since leaving the adult entertainment industry, she has become a huge personality on social media gaining some 27.6 million followers on Instagram alone.
She has also started up several of her own companies including jewellery brand Sheytan, which means Satan or Devil in her native Arabic.