Milf Manor viewers are disgusted - and before I get into why, I think we should all first agree that disgust should always be expected while watching this show.
In the first episode of the genuinely shocking new TLC reality dating show that pairs single mothers up with each other's sons, things went from awkward to genuinely horrifying. Take a look for yourself:
After the mums realised their sons would be joining them on the dating show, it got really weird really fast with a good old fashioned game of 'Put On A Blindfold And Feel Up All The Boys And Guess Which One Is Your Son.'
It's not a super popular game, for obvious reasons.
"I just hope she doesn't go below the waist when she's feeling these guys because that will be out of line," says Joey, who sounds more concerned about his mother Kelle touching other guys in front of him than the possibility of her touching him.
Equally unconcerned, another mom, SoYoung, suggests that they should have played the game the other way around, with 'men touching women'.
Which would, of course, involve her son feeling her up, but she doesn't seem to have thought that far ahead.

Viewers, who could hardly tear their eyes away from the screen, were absolutely horrified.
"This is the worst thing I have ever seen," commented one person. "Why would any mom be OK to touch their adult son's bodies?"
Another wrote: "Touching your own son up and down on TV seems a little too strange and sexualized in the wrong direction."
I'd be inclined to agree.
"I'm physically unable to complete this clip," admitted a third.
And a fourth tweeted: "Trying to 'guess who your son is' by being blindfolded and touching their chest/bodies is wild - TLC what type of mental illness is this?? MILF Manor has to be the worst reality TV show of all time."
And things only get weirder from there, so buckle in.
In another scene, things got unbearably awkward during a game of confessions.

Here's how the game works: Each mum writes down a confession on a piece of paper. Then the boys have to try and figure out which confession was written by their mum.
'What's the worst that could happen?', I hear you ask.
And, oh, how I wish you hadn't asked.
One of the confessions reads: "I slept with my son's best friend."
At first, the boys are stumped, and move on.
When the game is over, the mums all admit which confession was theirs, and SoYoung confesses that it was she who banged her son's bestie.
Viewers are all in agreement that this confession was definitely unscripted, since you can genuinely see the light leave Jimmy's eyes.
"There's no way. There's no way," says Jimmy as the cameras zoom in on his face to capture the tears welling up in his eyes.

When someone asks Jimmy if he knew that about his mum, he yells: "No! Does it look like I knew that?"
All the while, this poor guy is fighting to keep a smile on his face.
He continued: "I don't need an explanation. I'm a little traumatised right now, not going to lie... Why would you put that down?"
SoYoung, ever the competitor, replies that she put it down because she 'knew he would never get it'.
A later scene cuts to Jimmy alone in the pool and very intoxicated.
And all for your entertainment!
Don't you just love reality TV?
Topics: TV and Film