They say there’s a fine line between genius and insanity. We’ve all got our little quirks, especially when it comes to snacking. Those weird flavour combinations, the guilty pleasures you crave when no-one else is looking.
We’re talking things like french fries dunked in ice cream, a crisp sandwich with salad cream or scooping up peanut butter with an OREO cookie.
Some will call it crazy but we say these wacky food pairers are trailblazers, the people who take their taste buds where no others have travelled before in the pursuit of flavour.
So, when we saw that OREO cookies had been paired with melted cheese, we just had to give it a go.
Yes, you heard that right. The iconic OREO cookie - vanilla creme filling sandwiched between two chocolate-flavoured biscuits - covered in gooey fromage. And you know what, guys? It works.
Seriously. You’ve got the crunch of the OREO cookie with the smooth and silky cheese. Then you’ve got the savoury saltiness of the cheese which is lifted by the sweetness of the cookie and a slightly bitter aftertaste from the cocoa.

It's like an elevated cheese and biscuits. A cheeseboard for the adventurous. It’s a mix of your favourite sweet treat with a decadent fondue. Because who doesn’t love the idea of melted cheese over everything?
This isn’t the only adventurous pairing with OREO cookies that we’ve seen. As well as the classic twist and lick, fans have been dipping their cookies in orange juice, and even slathering with condiments like mustard and hot sauce.
So, what’s your OREO twist? Is it equally as genius (or as insane, depending on your point of view) as the melted cheese covered OREO cookies?
If you’ve got a unique twist, then why not tell the world? No longer should these pioneers be hiding away, scoffing these strangely good concoctions in the secrecy of their own home.
Or, if you’ve been waiting for a sign to try out a new flavour combination with OREO cookies, let this be it. Go forth and experiment. All rules are out the window, no holds barred. This could be your crowning glory, something to tell the grandkids, your signature dish at your next dinner party.
Ok, perhaps we’re getting a little overexcited but have a go, and you might just create something pretty special.
For some inspiration, check out the OREO twists we’ve found in our OREO Twist Guide here: https://www.instagram.com/foodbible/guide/the-oreo-twist-list/18207273352085590/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y%3D
Topics: Food And Drink