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Netflix viewers hooked on doc that shows tomb of China’s first emperor that experts are too scared to look inside

Netflix viewers hooked on doc that shows tomb of China’s first emperor that experts are too scared to look inside

People have been calling the doc a 'must-watch'

Netflix viewers have been left glued to a documentary that explores the tomb of China's first ever emperor.

The doc, from British director James Tovell, looks into the history of the tomb, which belongs to Qin Shi Huang.

The figures are known as the terracotta warriors. (Charle He/Getty Images)
The figures are known as the terracotta warriors. (Charle He/Getty Images)

The discovery of the tomb is one of the biggest archaeological findings in modern history.

Expeditions have been hugely fruitful for excavators so far, with previous trips leading to hundreds of figures - known as terracotta warriors - being found inside.

The collection, also referred to as the Terracotta Army, were buried alongside Qin Shi Huang to protect him in the afterlife.

The figures are believed to represent solders, officials and musicians.

While the 'warriors' have been discovered in various different compartments, there is one area that remains unopened - the tomb of Qin Shi Huang himself.

While archaeologists aren't worried about a 'curse' - despite long-standing rumours relating to the consequences of opening other tombs - experts fear disturbing the burial site could damage what's inside.

When the Terracotta Army were discovered, scientists noticed that the change in atmosphere resulted in the paint used on the statues peeling off.

For this reason, they are waiting to discover ways to open the tomb in a more controlled way.

A documentary about the tomb, called Mysteries of the Terracotta Warriors, hit Netflix on 12 June.

It delves into the excavation so far as well as the rise and fall of the Qin dynasty.

There's one area that remains unopened. (Charle He/Getty Images)
There's one area that remains unopened. (Charle He/Getty Images)

And it seems viewers have been hooked on the doc, with one writing on X: "The show 'Mysteries of the Terracotta Warriors' on @Netflix is a must watch."

"If you have a little bit interest to know about the fall of Qin dynasty and how these warriors were smashed, you must watch this show."

While another said: "Mysteries of the Terracotta Warriors was a really good docudrama. Highlighting the excellent work archaeologists do for years and how important it is to support our historical knowledge with evidence. On Netflix now."

And a third added: "Mysteries of the Terracotta Warriors on Netflix is some interesting cool a** history. 8000 unique carved warriors underground."

Meanwhile a fourth said: "Mysteries of the #Terracotta Warriors Netflix, anytime I see anything about this fascinating part of history I'm always left with the question WHEN are they going to open the Emperor's tomb??

"This has to be the greatest archaeology curiosity in the World, there's no close second."

You can watch Mysteries of the Terracotta Warriors on Netflix now.

Featured Image Credit: Netflix

Topics: Documentaries, History, Netflix, TV and Film, China