Topics: Stranger Things, TV and Film, US News, Twitter, Netflix, Millie Bobby Brown
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Topics: Stranger Things, TV and Film, US News, Twitter, Netflix, Millie Bobby Brown
It’s felt like ages since we last had a season of Stranger Things, and it’s potentially going to be a while longer until the next.
But, to keep those of us who are still hanging on going, they’ve released the very beginning of the final season.
Ok, it's not a very big Stranger Things announcement, but it is an exciting little teaser.
First though, let's rewind back to July 2022, all the way back to season four finale.
And let’s face it, a whole lot happened. Oh, in case I didn't mention it already, spoilers ahead.
It’s the season that had ‘Running Up That Hill’ shooting back up the charts, as the power of her mates and Kate Bush helped warn off Vecna from Max.
Obviously, season four also had that scene with Eddie playing the mega guitar solo on top of a trailer in the upside down to attract the demo-bats. Still not over it.
Oh, and Hopper’s in a Russian prison battling a Demogorgon.
Eleven spends most of the time having flash backs to her past and realises how she actually caused the first Upside Down gate to open, realising that Henry is in fact Vecna.
She’s eventually freed by Brenner (papa) who tells her he is proud of her and she is family before he dies.
At the very end, Hopper and Eleven are reunited, but Will says he can still feel Vecna’s presence.
Now, the official X account for the writers of the show have revealed the opening scene where season five will pick up.
"Season 5. Chapter 1. Scene 1," the tweet read, followed by a picture of the script.
“A CHILD’S VOICE. Singing a familiar song:”
And…. Yep that’s it. That’s how season five begins.
But obviously speculation has begun as fans decide who they think that voice belongs to, where the scene is and just what is going on.
Many were quick to suggest, and this might not surprise you: “IT’S WILL.”
Another even shared a throwback from Season 1, Episode 7, with Will laying on the floor and the lyrics: “Should I stay or should I go now?”
Others speculated that season 5 will start with ‘a flashback of Will in the upside down’.
Plenty do think it’s going to be ‘Will in the upside down’ singing ‘should I stay or should I go’ again.
However, others did say: “Your teasing us with crumbs… please more!” as they attached Oliver Twist memes.
As one put: “OH COME ON HOW YOU GONNA LEAVE US WITH THIS. (p.s. I can’t wait for season 5).”
Yesterday (6 November) marked Stranger Things Day, and a whole year ago The Duffer Brothers revealed Chapter One of the new season will be called ‘The Crawl’.
There’s still no set release date but hopefully it won’t be toooo long.