A fiendishly difficult question on the Australian version of The 1% Club has got people reckoning it's the hardest 10 percent question in the show's format after nobody got the right answer.
With a quiz show like The 1% Club, the questions often require contestants to figure out the quintessential trick to the whole thing.
While other quiz shows tend to ask people about general knowledge when it comes to The 1% Club the answer is usually buried in the question and it's all a case of figuring out the logic behind it.
In this case, nobody figured out the trick to getting the right answer which led to seven contestants going out of the show and three squeaking through thanks to using their pass.
If you think you can work it out, then set yourself a timer of 30 seconds and get cracking on the following question: "Edna's birthday is on the 6th of April and Jen's birthday falls on the 15th of October, therefore Amir's birthday must be the '?' of January."

And the answer?
It would be that Amir was born on the 24th of January, because in the question each number corresponds to how far into the sentence it is.
6th is the sixth word in the question and so on, so by the time we get to word number 24 it's the date of Amir's birthday.
Could you get the answer within the time? If so, you did better than everyone else on that episode of The 1% Club who either got knocked out or had to use their pass.
The clip of nobody getting the question right has gone viral and interestingly, of the people who said they figured out the answer almost all of them essentially did it wrong and stumbled on the right answer by accident.
One popular method was to add the difference between the first two dates (which is nine) onto 15 to give you the number 24.

Others thought that you got the number six by adding together one and five, so you could also get a number that was a date which added up to six by putting two and four together, making 24.
Of course there are people who are given these really difficult questions and manage to smash right through them.
Someone who made it through to the final of another Australian episode of The 1% Club was handed a final question which many thought was all but impossible to answer.
That question was: "If January equals 717, March equals 5315 and June equals 4624, then what does August equal?"
Fortunately, contestant Michael managed to come up with the right answer and walked away with the prize pot.
Topics: TV and Film, Australia, Money